Nested parallelization in MPI with small outer loop and large inner loop

I’m trying to run a slurm job using MPI, that involves a nested loop, where the outer loop is over a smaller list of size m than the inner loop (size n). For the inner loop, I want to use as many processes as possible nprocn. How can I make this work if n >> m and hence nproc >> m?

Below is my current implementation, that only works as long as nproc <= m.

using BSON
using CTExperiments
using CounterfactualExplanations
using DotEnv
using Logging
using MPI
using Serialization
using TaijaParallel


# Get config and set up grid:
config_file = get_config_from_args()
root_name = CTExperiments.from_toml(config_file)["name"]
root_save_dir = joinpath(ENV["OUTPUT_DIR"], root_name)
exper_grid = ExperimentGrid(config_file; new_save_dir=root_save_dir)

# Initialize MPI
rank = MPI.Comm_rank(comm)
nprocs = MPI.Comm_size(comm)
if MPI.Comm_rank(MPI.COMM_WORLD) != 0
    exper_list = nothing
    # Generate list of experiments and run them:
    exper_list = setup_experiments(exper_grid)
    @info "Running $(length(exper_list)) experiments ..."

# Broadcast exper_list from rank 0 to all ranks
exper_list = MPI.bcast(exper_list, comm; root=0)

MPI.Barrier(comm)  # Ensure all processes reach this point before finishing

if length(exper_list) < nprocs
    @warn "There are less experiments than processes. Check CPU efficiency of job."
chunks = TaijaParallel.split_obs(exper_list, nprocs)    # split experiments into chunks for each process
worker_chunk = MPI.scatter(chunks, comm)                # distribute across processes

for (i, experiment) in enumerate(worker_chunk)
    if rank != 0
        # Shut up logging for other ranks to avoid cluttering output

    # Setup:
    _save_dir = experiment.meta_params.save_dir
    _name = experiment.meta_params.experiment_name

    # Skip if already finished
    if has_results(experiment)
        @info "Rank $(rank): Skipping $(_name), model already exists."

    # Running the experiment
    @info "Rank $(rank): Running experiment: $(_name) ($i/$(length(worker_chunk)))"
    println("Saving checkpoints in: ", _save_dir)
    model, logs = run_training(experiment; checkpoint_dir=_save_dir)

    # Saving the results:
    save_results(experiment, model, logs)

# Finalize MPI
MPI.Barrier(comm)  # Ensure all processes reach this point before finishing

If more processes are available than items contained in exper_list below, then no error is thrown and the logs actually show the following messages, but model, logs = run_training(experiment; checkpoint_dir=_save_dir) never executes.

[ Info: Running 9 experiments ...
┌ Warning: There are less experiments than processes. Check CPU efficiency of job.
└ @ Main /scratch/paltmeyer/code/CounterfactualTraining.jl/paper/experiments/run_grid.jl:43
[ Info: Rank 0: Running experiment: experiment_1 (1/1)
[ Info: Using `MPI.jl` for multi-processing.

Any help would be much appreciated!

I realized what the issue is: the inner loop is executed and distributed inside run_training(experiment; checkpoint_dir=_save_dir) and involves calls to MPI.Barrier. Since for workers that receive empty chunks (for the outer loop) that function is never called, these workers also never reach those barriers, causing all other workers to stop at those barriers.

The simple (and incredibly ugly and inefficient) fix is to assign dummy experiments as placeholders for empty elements of chunks. This way things work even if nproc >> m but I’m running redundant dummy experiments.

Any suggestions for a less ugly solution are still much appreciated.

After spending many days on this, I’ve come to conclude that what I wanted to achieve here simply is not possible or at least I am nowhere near experienced enough with MPI to make it work properly. So if anyone ever ends up in this thread, my advice is simply: do not try to distribute a set of tasks that distribute another set of tasks, unless you already know what you’re doing (in which case you probably won’t end up in this thread).