Nested ForwardDiff.jacobian calls with inplace function

I’m trying to compute the jacobian of a jacobian thanks to ForwardDiff. It works perfectly for a non inplace function, but for some reason that evades me, it breaks when the function to differentiate is inplace:

using ForwardDiff
using LinearAlgebra
#some data
x0 = randn(50000);
p0 = randn(2);

#pre allocate outputs
out = similar(x0);
outjac = Array{Float64}(undef, 50000, 2); 
outjac2 = Array{Float64}(undef,100000, 2)

#'regular' and in place function
f(p) =  @. p[1] * exp(-x0 * p[2]);
f!(out, p) =  @. out = p[1] * exp(-x0 * p[2]);

jac1 = p -> ForwardDiff.jacobian(f, p)
jac2 = p -> ForwardDiff.jacobian(f!,out, p)

jac1(p0) == jac2(p0) #outputs `true`

ForwardDiff.jacobian(jac1, p0) #works
ForwardDiff.jacobian(jac2, p0) #crashes

it outpus MethodError: no method matching Float64(::ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{getfield(Main, Symbol("##77#78")),Float64},Float64,2})

This code is actually a more minimal example of my actual use case. My end goal is to compute said jacobian entirely inplace (for the sake of performance). Here is the code I have so far, which also breaks:

using ForwardDiff
using LinearAlgebra
#some data
x0 = randn(50000);
p0 = randn(2);

#pre allocate outputs
out = similar(x0);
outjac = Array{Float64}(undef, 50000, 2); 
outjac2 = Array{Float64}(undef,100000, 2)

#'regular' and in place function
f(p) =  @. p[1] * exp(-x0 * p[2]);
f!(out, p) =  @. out = p[1] * exp(-x0 * p[2]);

g1 = (outjacin,p) -> (outjacin .= ForwardDiff.jacobian(f, p))
g2 = (outjacin,p) -> ForwardDiff.jacobian!(outjacin, f!, out, p)

g1(outjac,p0) == g2(outjac,p0) #returns true

ForwardDiff.jacobian!(outjac2,g1, outjac, p0) #works like a charm
ForwardDiff.jacobian!(outjac2,g2, outjac, p0); # breaks

Thanks a lot for your help!

The inner pre-allocated Jacobian would need to be a matrix of ForwardDiff.Duals. g2 will be called with Dual{Tag1, Float64} inputs, which will then call f! with Dual{Tag2, <:Dual{Tag1, Float64}} inputs and will expect to store its output in an Array{Dual{Tag1, Float64}}, not an Array{Float64}. It’s a little tricky to get this right, as you have to predict the element types.

One way of solving this kind of problem is as follows. Instead of preallocating stuff manually, we’ll first create a function make_buffer that knows how to create an appropriate work buffer for an in-place function given the function and its input argument. For f!, that would be:

make_buffer(::typeof(f!), p) = similar(p, length(x0))

This will use the element type of p to create the right type of work buffer. We can then use this to create a function that turns an in-place function into an out-of-place function:

function make_out_of_place_func(f!, x)
    y = make_buffer(f!, x)
    x -> f!(y, x)

An out-of-place function created using make_out_of_place_func only accepts one element type for x, but we want a solution that accepts generic xs, so that it works for ForwardDiff.Dual as well. One way to do that is as follows:

struct OutOfPlace{F}
    out_of_place_funcs::Dict{Type, Function}
OutOfPlace(f!) = OutOfPlace(f!, Dict{Type, Function}())

eval_f(f::F, x) where {F} = f(x) # function barrier
function (oop::OutOfPlace{F})(x) where {F}
    T = eltype(x)
    f = get!(() -> make_out_of_place_func(oop.f!, x), oop.out_of_place_funcs, T)
    eval_f(f, x)

const f = OutOfPlace(f!)

i.e., store the in-place function in a struct, along with a dictionary that maps element types of x to out-of-place functions, where a new out-of–place function is automatically generated if the element type of x has not been seen before, but the out-of-place function is reused if a suitable one has already been created. This is pretty efficient:

using BenchmarkTools, Random
@btime f!(out, p) setup = begin # 199.650 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
    out = similar($x0)
    p = rand!(similar(p0))
@btime f(p) setup = p = rand!(similar(p0)); # 220.685 μs (1 allocation: 32 bytes)

We can now create an in-place Jacobian function based on the out-of-place version of function f:

# derivative just uses `f`, not `f!`
g! = (outjac, p) -> ForwardDiff.jacobian!(outjac, f, p)

@btime g!(outjac, p) setup = begin
    outjac = Array{Float64}(undef, length(x0), length(p0))
    p = rand!(similar(p0))
end # 388.684 μs (3 allocations: 208 bytes) (allocations would scale with size of `p`)

and then use the same trick again:

# same trick to turn g! into an out-of-place function
make_buffer(::typeof(g!), p) = similar(p, (length(x0), length(p)))
const g = OutOfPlace(g!)

h! = (outjac2, p) -> ForwardDiff.jacobian!(outjac2, g, p)

@btime h!(outjac2, p) setup = begin # 1.637 ms (6 allocations: 576 bytes)
    outjac2 = Array{Float64}(undef, length(x0) * length(p0), length(p0))
    p = rand!(similar(p0))

I’ve done something similar before in RigidBodyDynamics.jl/caches.jl at master · JuliaRobotics/RigidBodyDynamics.jl · GitHub

Full code:
using ForwardDiff
using LinearAlgebra

const x0 = randn(50_000);
const p0 = randn(2);
f!(out, p) =  @. out = p[1] * exp(-x0 * p[2])

make_buffer(::typeof(f!), p) = similar(p, length(x0))

function make_out_of_place_func(f!, x)
    y = make_buffer(f!, x) # make_buffer overloads will be defined below
    x -> f!(y, x)

struct OutOfPlace{F}
    out_of_place_funcs::Dict{Type, Function}
OutOfPlace(f!) = OutOfPlace(f!, Dict{Type, Function}())

eval_f(f::F, x) where {F} = f(x) # function barrier
function (oop::OutOfPlace{F})(x) where {F}
    T = eltype(x)
    f = get!(() -> make_out_of_place_func(oop.f!, x), oop.out_of_place_funcs, T)
    eval_f(f, x)

const f = OutOfPlace(f!)

using BenchmarkTools, Random
@btime f!(out, p) setup = begin # 199.650 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
    out = similar($x0)
    p = rand!(similar(p0))
@btime f(p) setup = p = rand!(similar(p0)); # 220.685 μs (1 allocation: 32 bytes)

# derivative just uses `f`, not `f!`
g! = (outjac, p) -> ForwardDiff.jacobian!(outjac, f, p)

@btime g!(outjac, p) setup = begin
    outjac = Array{Float64}(undef, length(x0), length(p0))
    p = rand!(similar(p0))
end # 388.684 μs (3 allocations: 208 bytes) (allocations would scale with size of `p`)

# same trick to turn g! into an out-of-place function
make_buffer(::typeof(g!), p) = similar(p, (length(x0), length(p)))
const g = OutOfPlace(g!)

h! = (outjac2, p) -> ForwardDiff.jacobian!(outjac2, g, p)

@btime h!(outjac2, p) setup = begin # 1.637 ms (6 allocations: 576 bytes)
    outjac2 = Array{Float64}(undef, length(x0) * length(p0), length(p0))
    p = rand!(similar(p0))

Thanks a lot for this very thorough explanation, I’ll experiment with it more tomorrow, but it’s an amazing answer!

I’m having some troubles generalising it for any f!, the ::typeof(f!) part doesn’t go well with closure. I’ll make make_buffer a property of the object, initialized when the object is created.

What do you mean exactly? In my earlier post g! was a closure for example.

Oh I figured it out!.
The problem I had was that I was trying to generate the h! function for an arbitrary f!, so I had to wrap some parts in a function, notably when creating the make_buffer functions.
Eventually I came up with:

function make_out_of_place_func(f!, x, make_buffer)
    y = make_buffer(f!, x) # make_buffer overloads will be defined below
    x -> f!(y, x)

struct OutOfPlace{F}
    out_of_place_funcs::Dict{Type, Function}
    function OutOfPlace(f!::T, dict, shape::Tuple) where T
        mk(::T, p) = similar(p, shape)
        new{T}(f!, dict, mk)

OutOfPlace(f!, shape) = OutOfPlace(f!, Dict{Type, Function}(), shape)

eval_f(f::F, x) where {F} = f(x) # function barrier
function (oop::OutOfPlace{F})(x) where {F}
    T = eltype(x)
    f = get!(() -> make_out_of_place_func(oop.f!, x, oop.make_buffer), oop.out_of_place_funcs, T)
    eval_f(f, x)

function make_hessian(f!,x0,p0)
    f = OutOfPlace(f!, (length(x0),))
    g! = (outjac, p) -> (ForwardDiff.jacobian!(outjac, f, p); outjac = outjac')
    g = OutOfPlace(g!,(length(x0),length(p0)))
    h! = (outjac2, p) -> (ForwardDiff.jacobian!(outjac2, g, p); reshape(outjac2',length(p0),length(p0),length(x0)))