Nbdev for julia

@nareshr8 sorry for the late reply. Somehow, I am unable to get any notification related to discourse to my email. Perhaps these are getting routed to my spam folder, I will have to check that.

It would be great If you can give some more detail regarding the processes which needs to be automated. By the way are you pointing to the “Documenter.jl” in the nbdev.jl project or the “Documenter.jl library”?

If you are referring to the “Documenter.jl” in the nbdev.jl project then feel free to start a PR. There are lots of things that could be improved there.

As a side note the nbdev.jl dev-documents are now a bit more improved. However, it is far from perfect. I will also create a short tutorial about how to get started with nbdev.jl.

Hi @satyabrata_pal . I was talking about the Documenter.jl library that is available here. I will see what I can do and create a PR if I get something concrete.


Oh I thought that you were pointing to the Documenter.jl module inside nbdev.jl project.

Hello! Love what you are trying to achieve as I also been wondering for some time on how to move my main development in Pluto and have something to automatically generate code/packages from there.

I was thinking on starting from scratch but stumbled upon your project so I’d love to contribute/discuss!

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Hey @disberd . Nice to have you here. I would love to talk about the project and it would be nice to have contributions. Right now I am using this thread to post my updates about the project.

Should we have a Zulip channel for discussion? or a new thread here at discourse?

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What’s your name on zulip? (mine is disberd as well) We could keep this thread for some more serious updates and discussion but at the beginning for some chat it’s probably better to do zulip to avoid spamming this

The getting-started tutorial for nbdev.jl is out now. The tutorial is available at the project site.

I hope that this tutorial will help anyone to tinker around and get a taste of what I am trying to achieve through nbdev and what is being added to it (since I will be updating the tutorial with upcoming additions). This would also help folks to experiment around it and provide feedback and contributions.

I am trying hard to have other intended functionalities soon in Nbdev but lately my progress is a bit sluggish due to my other projects and commitments. However, I am confident to add more soon.

In my mind the next few items in roadmap are as follows (but not limited to)–>

  • Enable creation of unit testing in notebook itself.

  • Execution of tests (from the notebook) during any push action to the repository (via github actions).

  • Automatic inclusion of Source code link for the documented code in the documentation.

  • Registering an early version of Nbdev.