I could not resist testing some other things. First, a simple parallelization, in which I just avoid racing problems by creating an array for acc
for each thread. With 4 threads (my laptop has 4 cores), I get, now (from 172 s) of the latest version:
julia> @time NBabel("./input2k.dat")
114.693995 seconds (281.92 k allocations: 32.341 MiB, 0.00% gc time)
(Ekin = 0.24083906800778096, Epot = -0.47480580878465395, Etot = -0.233966740776873)
module NB
This is an implementation of the NBabel N-body problem.
See nbabel.org for more information.
This is 'naive & native' Julia with type and loop annotations for
fastmath and vectorization, because this is really is no effort.
Without annotations the code will be as slow as naive Python/IDL.
NBabel("IC/input128", show=true)
Julius Donnert INAF-IRA 2017
using Printf
using DelimitedFiles
using StaticArrays
tbeg = 0.0
tend = 10.0
dt = 0.001
function NBabel(fname::String; tend = tend, dt = dt, show=false)
if show
println("Reading file : $fname")
ID, mass, pos, vel = read_ICs(fname)
return NBabelCalcs(ID, mass, pos, vel, tend, dt, show)
function NBabelCalcs(ID, mass, pos, vel, tend = tend, dt = dt, show=false)
nthreads = Threads.nthreads()
acc_parallel = Array{eltype(vel)}(undef,length(vel),nthreads)
acc = compute_acceleration(pos, mass, acc_parallel)
last_acc = copy(acc)
Ekin, Epot = compute_energy(pos, vel, mass)
Etot_ICs = Ekin + Epot
t = 0.0
nstep = 0
while t < tend
pos = update_positions(pos, vel, acc, dt)
last_acc .= acc
acc = compute_acceleration(pos, mass, acc_parallel)
vel = update_velocities(vel, acc, last_acc, dt)
t += dt
nstep += 1
if show && nstep%100 == 0
Ekin, Epot = compute_energy(pos, vel, mass)
Etot = Ekin + Epot
dE = (Etot - Etot_ICs)/Etot_ICs
@printf "t = %g, Etot=%g, Ekin=%g, Epot=%g, dE=%g \n" t Etot Ekin Epot dE
Ekin, Epot = compute_energy(pos, vel, mass)
Etot = Ekin + Epot
return (; Ekin, Epot, Etot)
# return size(pos,1)
function update_positions(pos, vel, acc, dt)
N = length(pos)
for i in 1:N
pos[i] = (0.5 * acc[i] * dt + vel[i])*dt + pos[i]
return pos
function update_velocities(vel, acc, last_acc, dt)
N = length(vel)
for i in 1:N
vel[i] = vel[i] + 0.5 * dt * (acc[i] + last_acc[i])
return vel
Force calculation.
function compute_acceleration(pos, mass, acc)
nthreads = Threads.nthreads()
N = length(pos)
for i in 1:N
for j in 1:nthreads
acc[i,j] = zeros(eltype(acc))
@inbounds Threads.@threads for i = 1:N-1
id = Threads.threadid()
for j = i+1:N
dr = pos[i] - pos[j]
rinv3 = 1/sqrt(sum(dr .^ 2)) ^ 3
acc[i,id] = acc[i,id] - mass[i] * rinv3 * dr
acc[j,id] = acc[j,id] + mass[j] * rinv3 * dr
for i in 1:N
for j in 2:nthreads
acc[i,1] += acc[i,j]
return @view acc[:,1]
Kinetic and potential energy.
function compute_energy(pos, vel, mass)
N = length(vel)
Ekin = 0.0
for i = 1:N
Ekin += 0.5 * mass[i] * sum(vel[i] .^ 2)
nthreads = Threads.nthreads()
Epot = zeros(nthreads)
@inbounds Threads.@threads for i = 1:N-1
id = Threads.threadid()
for j = i+1:N
dr = pos[i] - pos[j]
rinv = 1/sqrt(sum(dr .^ 2))
Epot[id] -= mass[i] * mass[j] * rinv
return Ekin, sum(Epot)
function read_ICs(fname::String)
ICs = readdlm(fname)
N = size(ICs,1)
pos = Array{SVector{3,Float64}}(undef, N)
vel = Array{SVector{3,Float64}}(undef, N)
id = @view ICs[:, 1]
mass = @view ICs[:, 2]
for i in axes(ICs, 1)
pos[i] = SVector{3,Float64}(ICs[i, 3], ICs[i, 4], ICs[i, 5])
for i in axes(ICs, 1)
vel[i] = SVector{3,Float64}(ICs[i, 6], ICs[i, 7], ICs[i, 8])
return id, mass, pos, vel
export NBabel
#function main(args)
# NBabel(args[1], show=true)
And rencently @Elrod taught me that one way to take advantage of simd was to define our structures with 4 fields, even the fourth field is not used in reality. For that I created a Particle
structure with four fields, and the operations that are required for that structure (I think there is a simpler way, I have to revise the lessons ):
struct Particle
x :: Float64
y :: Float64
z :: Float64
w :: Float64
Particle(x,y,z) = Particle(x,y,z,0)
norm2(p :: Particle) = p.x^2 + p.y^2 + p.z^2 + p.w^2
norm(p :: Particle) = sqrt(norm2(p))
import Base.+, Base.-, Base.*, Base.zero
-(p1::Particle,p2::Particle) = Particle(p1.x-p2.x,p1.y-p2.y,p1.z-p2.z,p1.w-p2.w)
+(p1::Particle,p2::Particle) = Particle(p1.x+p2.x,p1.y+p2.y,p1.z+p2.z,p1.w+p2.w)
*(c,p1::Particle) = Particle(c*p1.x,c*p1.y,c*p1.z,c*p1.w)
*(p1::Particle,c) = Particle(c*p1.x,c*p1.y,c*p1.z,c*p1.w)
zero(T::Type{Particle}) = Particle(0,0,0,0)
The code was adapted accordingly, and now using a single thread I get (from 172s):
julia> @time NBabel("./input2k.dat")
150.969980 seconds (130.74 k allocations: 11.073 MiB)
(Ekin = 0.24191235979106984, Epot = -0.46958087700389634, Etot = -0.2276685172128265)
I do not exclude the possibility of Chis Elrod saying that what I did does not make sense and my benchmark is flawed , but if that is the case we will keep learning. We got a 22s speedup (12%):
And, finally, I using 4 threads:
julia> @time NBabel("./input2k.dat")
97.990265 seconds (281.44 k allocations: 32.498 MiB, 0.00% gc time)
(Ekin = 0.24083906800778096, Epot = -0.47480580878465395, Etot = -0.233966740776873)
Thus, from the 210s of the original version, we have now 151s for the single-threaded execution. With the same improvement rate, that would match exactly the Pythran implementation (151/210)*173=124.4s (124s reported for the pythran version).
With the multiple-threaded version (which is way from optimal, because no care was taken to provide a balanced load, and competing process are present), I get here 98s.
module NB
This is an implementation of the NBabel N-body problem.
See nbabel.org for more information.
This is 'naive & native' Julia with type and loop annotations for
fastmath and vectorization, because this is really is no effort.
Without annotations the code will be as slow as naive Python/IDL.
NBabel("IC/input128", show=true)
Julius Donnert INAF-IRA 2017
using Printf
using DelimitedFiles
using StaticArrays
tbeg = 0.0
tend = 10.0
dt = 0.001
struct Particle
x :: Float64
y :: Float64
z :: Float64
w :: Float64
Particle(x,y,z) = Particle(x,y,z,0)
norm2(p :: Particle) = p.x^2 + p.y^2 + p.z^2 + p.w^2
norm(p :: Particle) = sqrt(norm2(p))
import Base.+, Base.-, Base.*, Base.zero
-(p1::Particle,p2::Particle) = Particle(p1.x-p2.x,p1.y-p2.y,p1.z-p2.z,p1.w-p2.w)
+(p1::Particle,p2::Particle) = Particle(p1.x+p2.x,p1.y+p2.y,p1.z+p2.z,p1.w+p2.w)
*(c,p1::Particle) = Particle(c*p1.x,c*p1.y,c*p1.z,c*p1.w)
*(p1::Particle,c) = Particle(c*p1.x,c*p1.y,c*p1.z,c*p1.w)
zero(T::Type{Particle}) = Particle(0,0,0,0)
function NBabel(fname::String; tend = tend, dt = dt, show=false)
if show
println("Reading file : $fname")
ID, mass, pos, vel = read_ICs(fname)
return NBabelCalcs(ID, mass, pos, vel, tend, dt, show)
function NBabelCalcs(ID, mass, pos, vel, tend = tend, dt = dt, show=false)
nthreads = Threads.nthreads()
acc_parallel = Array{eltype(vel)}(undef,length(vel),nthreads)
acc = compute_acceleration(pos, mass, acc_parallel)
last_acc = copy(acc)
Ekin, Epot = compute_energy(pos, vel, mass)
Etot_ICs = Ekin + Epot
t = 0.0
nstep = 0
while t < tend
pos = update_positions(pos, vel, acc, dt)
last_acc .= acc
acc = compute_acceleration(pos, mass, acc_parallel)
vel = update_velocities(vel, acc, last_acc, dt)
t += dt
nstep += 1
if show && nstep%100 == 0
Ekin, Epot = compute_energy(pos, vel, mass)
Etot = Ekin + Epot
dE = (Etot - Etot_ICs)/Etot_ICs
@printf "t = %g, Etot=%g, Ekin=%g, Epot=%g, dE=%g \n" t Etot Ekin Epot dE
Ekin, Epot = compute_energy(pos, vel, mass)
Etot = Ekin + Epot
return (; Ekin, Epot, Etot)
# return size(pos,1)
function update_positions(pos, vel, acc, dt)
N = length(pos)
for i in 1:N
pos[i] = (0.5 * acc[i] * dt + vel[i])*dt + pos[i]
return pos
function update_velocities(vel, acc, last_acc, dt)
N = length(vel)
for i in 1:N
vel[i] = vel[i] + 0.5 * dt * (acc[i] + last_acc[i])
return vel
Force calculation.
function compute_acceleration(pos, mass, acc)
nthreads = Threads.nthreads()
N = length(pos)
for i in 1:N
for j in 1:nthreads
acc[i,j] = zero(eltype(acc))
@inbounds Threads.@threads for i = 1:N-1
id = Threads.threadid()
@simd for j = i+1:N
dr = pos[i] - pos[j]
rinv3 = 1/norm(dr)^3
acc[i,id] = acc[i,id] - mass[i] * rinv3 * dr
acc[j,id] = acc[j,id] + mass[j] * rinv3 * dr
for i in 1:N
for j in 2:nthreads
acc[i,1] += acc[i,j]
return @view acc[:,1]
Kinetic and potential energy.
function compute_energy(pos, vel, mass)
N = length(vel)
Ekin = 0.0
for i = 1:N
Ekin += 0.5 * mass[i] * norm2(vel[i])
nthreads = Threads.nthreads()
Epot = zeros(nthreads)
@inbounds Threads.@threads for i = 1:N-1
id = Threads.threadid()
@simd for j = i+1:N
dr = pos[i] - pos[j]
rinv = 1/norm(dr)
Epot[id] -= mass[i] * mass[j] * rinv
return Ekin, sum(Epot)
function read_ICs(fname::String)
ICs = readdlm(fname)
N = size(ICs,1)
pos = Array{Particle}(undef, N)
vel = Array{Particle}(undef, N)
id = @view ICs[:, 1]
mass = @view ICs[:, 2]
for i in axes(ICs, 1)
pos[i] = Particle(ICs[i, 3], ICs[i, 4], ICs[i, 5])
for i in axes(ICs, 1)
vel[i] = Particle(ICs[i, 6], ICs[i, 7], ICs[i, 8])
return id, mass, pos, vel
export NBabel
#function main(args)
# NBabel(args[1], show=true)
The codes are: https://github.com/lmiq/nbabel/tree/master/julia
The times reported there were measured with the system time command, so they include compilation and everything (and used -O3 -check-bounds=no
, which improved the times quite a bit).