In the Fortran and Python implementations the loop to compute accelerations is done properly (N(N-1)/2) cycles:
do i = 1, P%nstars - 1
do j = i + 1, P%nstars
for index_p0 in range(nb_particules - 1):
for index_p1 in range(index_p0 + 1, nb_particules):
while in the Julia implementation it is not (N^2 cycles):
@inbounds @Threads.threads for i = 1:N
@fastmath @inbounds @simd for j = 1:N
if i != j
Concerning the code:
My “base time is” 661 ms (8.41 MB allocations), for the code provided.
Removing all the decorations (simd, inbounds, threads, etc), actually made the code faster (586 ms).
Fixing the loop above and using static arrays took the time to 581 ms and allocations went to 174 kb. No allocations occur anymore in the main routines.
Now, adding back the @inbounds
flag to the acceleration and energy computation loops, time goes to 500 ms, 171.78 KiB.
If one considers this speedup reliable (~30%), that would put the Julia benchmark there in pair with the python and rust codes.
I am running with this data, with
using BenchmarkTools
using .NB
@btime NBabel("./input128.dat")
module NB
This is an implementation of the NBabel N-body problem.
See for more information.
This is 'naive & native' Julia with type and loop annotations for
fastmath and vectorization, because this is really is no effort.
Without annotations the code will be as slow as naive Python/IDL.
NBabel("IC/input128", show=true)
Julius Donnert INAF-IRA 2017
using Printf
using DelimitedFiles
using StaticArrays
tbeg = 0.0
tend = 10.0
dt = 0.001
function NBabel(fname::String; tend = tend, dt = dt, show=false)
if show
println("Reading file : $fname")
ID, mass, pos, vel = read_ICs(fname)
return NBabelCalcs(ID, mass, pos, vel, tend, dt, show)
function NBabelCalcs(ID, mass, pos, vel, tend = tend, dt = dt, show=false)
acc = similar(vel)
acc = compute_acceleration(pos, mass, acc)
last_acc = copy(acc)
Ekin, Epot = compute_energy(pos, vel, mass)
Etot_ICs = Ekin + Epot
t = 0.0
nstep = 0
while t < tend
pos = update_positions(pos, vel, acc, dt)
acc, last_acc = last_acc, acc
acc = compute_acceleration(pos, mass, acc)
vel = update_velocities(vel, acc, last_acc, dt)
t += dt
nstep += 1
if show && nstep%100 == 0
Ekin, Epot = compute_energy(pos, vel, mass)
Etot = Ekin + Epot
dE = (Etot - Etot_ICs)/Etot_ICs
@printf "t = %g, Etot=%g, Ekin=%g, Epot=%g, dE=%g \n" t Etot Ekin Epot dE
Ekin, Epot = compute_energy(pos, vel, mass)
Etot = Ekin + Epot
return (; Ekin, Epot, Etot)
# return size(pos,1)
function update_positions(pos, vel, acc, dt)
N = length(pos)
for i in 1:N
pos[i] = (0.5 * acc[i] * dt + vel[i])*dt + pos[i]
return pos
function update_velocities(vel, acc, last_acc, dt)
N = length(vel)
for i in 1:N
vel[i] = vel[i] + 0.5 * dt * (acc[i] + last_acc[i])
return vel
Force calculation.
function compute_acceleration(pos, mass, acc)
N = length(pos)
for i in 1:N
acc[i] = zeros(eltype(acc))
@inbounds for i = 1:N-1
for j = i+1:N
dr = pos[i] - pos[j]
rinv3 = 1/sqrt(sum(dr .^ 2)) ^ 3
acc[i] = acc[i] - mass[i] * rinv3 * dr
acc[j] = acc[j] + mass[j] * rinv3 * dr
return acc
Kinetic and potential energy.
function compute_energy(pos, vel, mass)
N = length(vel)
Ekin = 0.0
for i = 1:N
Ekin += 0.5 * mass[i] * sum(vel[i] .^ 2)
Epot = 0.0
@inbounds for i = 1:N-1
for j = i+1:N
dr = pos[i] - pos[j]
rinv = 1/sqrt(sum(dr .^ 2))
Epot -= mass[i] * mass[j] * rinv
return Ekin, Epot
function read_ICs(fname::String)
ICs = readdlm(fname)
N = size(ICs,1)
pos = Array{SVector{3,Float64}}(undef, N)
vel = Array{SVector{3,Float64}}(undef, N)
id = @view ICs[:, 1]
mass = @view ICs[:, 2]
for i in axes(ICs, 1)
pos[i] = SVector{3,Float64}(ICs[i, 3], ICs[i, 4], ICs[i, 5])
for i in axes(ICs, 1)
vel[i] = SVector{3,Float64}(ICs[i, 6], ICs[i, 7], ICs[i, 8])
return id, mass, pos, vel
export NBabel
#function main(args)
# NBabel(args[1], show=true)