Benchmark results (code and output are at the end).
As I expected the creation times using OrderedDict
is much faster for large n than using NamedTuple
I am surprised to see that random access time is the same with OrderedDict
and NamedTuple
I am very surprised to see the sequential access times with NamedTuple
. Something happens at 1000 columns - it looks very strange! I don’t know what to make of it. I ran the benchmarks several times and I get the same thing every time.
Anyhow, my concern that using a Dict
to solve my large n case would make my small n case slower has been resolved – benchmarks show that OrderedDict
is faster in all cases.
struct SDataNT{T <: Number, C <: AbstractMatrix{T}} <: AbstractMatrix{T}
function SDataNT(names::NTuple{N, Symbol}, values::AbstractMatrix) where {N}
if N != size(values, 2)
error("Number of columns mismatch.")
columns = NamedTuple{names}([view(values, :, i) for i in 1:N ])
new{eltype(values),typeof(values)}(columns, values)
Base.propertynames(sd::SDataNT) = keys(getfield(sd, :columns))
Base.getproperty(sd::SDataNT, n::Symbol) = n in fieldnames(SDataNT) ? getfield(sd, n) : getfield(getfield(sd, :columns), n)
using OrderedCollections
struct SDataOD{T <: Number, C <: AbstractMatrix{T}} <: AbstractMatrix{T}
function SDataOD(names::NTuple{N, Symbol}, values::AbstractMatrix) where {N}
if N != size(values, 2)
error("Number of columns mismatch.")
columns = OrderedDict(names[i] => view(values, :, i) for i = 1:N)
new{eltype(values),typeof(values)}(columns, values)
Base.propertynames(sd::SDataOD) = keys(getfield(sd, :columns))
Base.getproperty(sd::SDataOD, n::Symbol) = n in fieldnames(SDataOD) ? getfield(sd, n) : getindex(getfield(sd, :columns), n)
function test_times(SD::Type, sym="a")
sdd = Dict()
println("Times for ", SD)
nreps = 100_000 # access time replications
rnum = rand(nreps) # random numbers used in random access test
sizes = (10,100,200,500,1_000,2_000,5_000,10_000)
println("Instantiation times:")
for ncols in sizes
print(" ncols = ", ncols, ":\t")
@time sdd[ncols] = SD(Tuple(Symbol(sym, i) for i=1:ncols), rand(10, ncols))
println("Random access times:")
for ncols in sizes
print(" ncols = ", ncols, ":\t")
sd = sdd[ncols]
@time for i = 1:nreps
nc = Symbol(sym, ceil(Int, rnum[i]*ncols))
vec = sd.:($nc)
vec[1] = i
println("Sequential access times:")
for ncols in sizes
print(" ncols = ", ncols, ":\t")
sd = sdd[ncols]
@time begin
i = 1
while i <= nreps
for (col, vec) in pairs(sd.columns)
vec[1] = i
(i += 1) > nreps && break
Times for SDataOD
Instantiation times:
ncols = 10: 0.319266 seconds (611.11 k allocations: 35.257 MiB, 99.95% compilation time)
ncols = 100: 0.223908 seconds (303.18 k allocations: 17.603 MiB, 99.86% compilation time)
ncols = 200: 0.402427 seconds (304.43 k allocations: 17.700 MiB, 99.90% compilation time)
ncols = 500: 1.181648 seconds (306.23 k allocations: 17.847 MiB, 0.83% gc time, 99.91% compilation time)
ncols = 1000: 2.232119 seconds (310.73 k allocations: 18.210 MiB, 99.88% compilation time)
ncols = 2000: 3.622623 seconds (319.72 k allocations: 18.822 MiB, 99.93% compilation time)
ncols = 5000: 0.176305 seconds (346.73 k allocations: 21.042 MiB, 10.21% gc time, 96.63% compilation time)
ncols = 10000: 0.115145 seconds (391.73 k allocations: 24.349 MiB, 93.01% compilation time)
Random access times:
ncols = 10: 0.368723 seconds (959.44 k allocations: 43.206 MiB, 15.93% compilation time)
ncols = 100: 0.336634 seconds (899.49 k allocations: 39.665 MiB, 3.52% gc time)
ncols = 200: 0.335097 seconds (899.49 k allocations: 39.665 MiB, 1.67% gc time)
ncols = 500: 0.376298 seconds (899.49 k allocations: 39.665 MiB, 6.88% gc time)
ncols = 1000: 0.420171 seconds (948.59 k allocations: 40.414 MiB, 15.37% gc time)
ncols = 2000: 0.392851 seconds (974.25 k allocations: 40.806 MiB, 12.04% gc time)
ncols = 5000: 0.345910 seconds (989.49 k allocations: 41.038 MiB, 0.45% gc time)
ncols = 10000: 0.352303 seconds (994.58 k allocations: 41.116 MiB, 0.44% gc time)
Sequential access times:
ncols = 10: 0.108961 seconds (941.80 k allocations: 46.246 MiB, 2.60% gc time, 37.38% compilation time)
ncols = 100: 0.046738 seconds (902.49 k allocations: 44.365 MiB, 5.85% gc time)
ncols = 200: 0.043418 seconds (900.99 k allocations: 44.304 MiB, 6.37% gc time)
ncols = 500: 0.039709 seconds (900.09 k allocations: 44.267 MiB, 4.00% gc time)
ncols = 1000: 0.039261 seconds (948.79 k allocations: 45.003 MiB, 3.93% gc time)
ncols = 2000: 0.038185 seconds (974.14 k allocations: 45.386 MiB, 3.95% gc time)
ncols = 5000: 0.038183 seconds (989.35 k allocations: 45.615 MiB, 3.97% gc time)
ncols = 10000: 0.038023 seconds (994.42 k allocations: 45.692 MiB, 4.00% gc time)
Times for SDataNT
Instantiation times:
ncols = 10: 0.108898 seconds (204.78 k allocations: 12.240 MiB, 99.32% compilation time)
ncols = 100: 0.458683 seconds (132.13 k allocations: 8.028 MiB, 99.81% compilation time)
ncols = 200: 1.183346 seconds (143.31 k allocations: 8.536 MiB, 99.80% compilation time)
ncols = 500: 4.157052 seconds (175.42 k allocations: 9.921 MiB, 0.55% gc time, 99.95% compilation time)
ncols = 1000: 10.889727 seconds (237.81 k allocations: 12.411 MiB, 99.97% compilation time)
ncols = 2000: 12.057584 seconds (381.40 k allocations: 17.658 MiB, 99.96% compilation time)
ncols = 5000: 37.980823 seconds (813.49 k allocations: 33.828 MiB, 0.06% gc time, 99.97% compilation time)
ncols = 10000: 110.425426 seconds (1.53 M allocations: 60.316 MiB, 0.02% gc time, 99.99% compilation time)
Random access times:
ncols = 10: 0.392019 seconds (908.97 k allocations: 40.297 MiB, 6.26% gc time, 17.29% compilation time)
ncols = 100: 0.314703 seconds (899.49 k allocations: 39.665 MiB, 1.19% gc time)
ncols = 200: 0.383834 seconds (899.49 k allocations: 39.665 MiB, 11.32% gc time)
ncols = 500: 0.528141 seconds (899.49 k allocations: 39.665 MiB, 23.48% gc time)
ncols = 1000: 0.415638 seconds (948.54 k allocations: 40.413 MiB, 12.81% gc time)
ncols = 2000: 0.385840 seconds (974.15 k allocations: 40.804 MiB, 0.48% gc time)
ncols = 5000: 0.479783 seconds (989.47 k allocations: 41.038 MiB, 0.47% gc time)
ncols = 10000: 0.630030 seconds (994.47 k allocations: 41.114 MiB, 0.29% gc time)
Sequential access times:
ncols = 10: 0.169690 seconds (1.16 M allocations: 98.965 MiB, 6.02% gc time, 35.88% compilation time)
ncols = 100: 0.795865 seconds (1.13 M allocations: 445.769 MiB, 3.07% gc time, 76.08% compilation time)
ncols = 200: 1.712942 seconds (1.13 M allocations: 824.477 MiB, 1.96% gc time, 85.08% compilation time)
ncols = 500: 4.712930 seconds (1.13 M allocations: 1.926 GiB, 1.20% gc time, 89.49% compilation time)
ncols = 1000: 625.152897 seconds (1.18 M allocations: 3.786 GiB, 0.02% gc time, 99.85% compilation time)
ncols = 2000: 0.147846 seconds (1.12 M allocations: 52.995 MiB, 2.84% gc time, 22.34% compilation time)
ncols = 5000: 0.299168 seconds (1.16 M allocations: 53.862 MiB, 1.51% gc time, 33.90% compilation time)
ncols = 10000: 0.420844 seconds (1.21 M allocations: 54.137 MiB, 1.18% gc time, 18.02% compilation time)