Name suggestions for VS Code

The problem with JuliaCode is the similarity to “Julia code”. Then if I said out loud “I’m writing Julia code”, it would be ambiguous.

I also like the idea of keeping it simple. JuliaCode is a strong candidate in my opinion. We can also continue the planetary journey alongside Jupyter and Pluto.jl:

  • VenuS
  • MarVelouS
  • Juniverse

No matter the name, the Julia VSCode extension deserves a round of applause :clap:

That’s just clever.

I also love that there is now a team boring.

Oh, the joys of naming things.

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what about jled which stands for .jl editor.

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Note that while VS Code may become the de facto default environment for Julia with all bells & whistles, there are 6 other editors with actively maintained (= commits in the last 365 days) extensions at

IMO it would be best to avoid names that suggest that the VS Code extension is “the” Julia editor.


I very strongly agree with that! I always thought we should, as a community, strive to support every and all editors as best as we can.

And I also think that we have a pretty good success story of reusing much of the functionality that was developed for the VS Code extension for other editors via the language server story. Would be great if eventually we could end up in the same spot for the debugger, the VS Code design there is similar to the language server, i.e. it is all based on the debug adapter protocol.


I’ll add another +1 for keeping the name the way it is.

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@PetrKryslUCSD posted this on Slack and I thought it was fun so reposting before it gets lost to the Slack hole:

Someone else had suggested “Vesta”, but I kind of like “Pallas” :smile:

“Pallas is the goddess of wisdom, and she is also the goddess of self-defense. Pallas sprang fully formed and armed from the head of her father, the king of heaven. Pallas is also an artisan, and is connected to the art of weaving. Pallas’ symbol is the wise owl. She is in charge of defending herself and those important to her, and she creates objects of lasting beauty, through her love of fabric, and her skill with a needle and thread.”

Vesta sounds cool, although I’m a fan of just calling it the Julia VS Code extension, like how Python does it Python - Visual Studio Marketplace no need IMO to name it anything :slight_smile:


Well if it’s about to confuse people, you should do it right. I suggest

  • ‮oemοr‬ ( note that 'ο'!='o' and U+202E for extra fun)

and consider to encode the whole julia source in the name using non printing characters…


I agree, but David encouraged us to continue coming up with names. In the end, I think it will be something simple like that :slight_smile:

If we were to name it after another asteroid, like “Juno” is an asteroid, “Vesta” does sound pretty decent to me :slight_smile:

[Edit: List of exceptional asteroids

  • 1 Ceres
  • 2 Pallas
  • 3 Juno
  • 4 Vesta

“Vesta” sounds better I guess, but I still like “Pallas” :blush: The astrological meaning is closer to what I think of for an IDE / Editor :nerd_face::night_with_stars:

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I’ll ask here what I asked on the GitHub issue about the same subject: If the VS Code plugin is going be called “Julia” and the repo for the plugin is GitHub - julia-vscode/julia-vscode: Julia extension for Visual Studio Code then what is the additional name for? Where would such a name appear?


What about JStudio.jl or JuliaStudio.jl or JSCode

I think it would appear somewhere in the two places I’ve circled in the following screenshot from the marketplace:

The first field is the Publisher, the second one is the Description field.

Other places where any new branding could appear are the homepage domain name, the github org that hosts stuff and I guess the info we have in the docs…

But I hear all the voices that argue to just not change anything loud and clear :slight_smile: I always liked the name Juno, but was never really convinced that it actually helped with clarity (between Juno, Atom, Junolab, JuliaPro, uber-juno etc. there were just a lot of terms floating around where it was sometimes a bit unclear what denoted what exactly). And we clearly have a bit of a situation for any future rename because we definitely don’t want to rename the extension itself from Julia, so what exactly are we naming here strikes me as a very good question (that I don’t have an answer for). The project? The team? The publisher? Any of those options would make it weird to say “Hey, install JUPP” (because you DON’T get to install me!!!).

On the other hand I think there are a lot of folks that felt having a name like Juno was great as well…

So I really don’t know where we’ll end up :slight_smile: I think @pfitzseb, @aviatesk, @ZacLN and I will just have a chat about it relatively soon and then make a decision taking all the input we are receiving into account in some way.


I think having a new name only matters if the community is interested in a developing a dedicated IDE like RStudio or Spyder.

If we are going that route, then I like Julia Studio
some other suggestions
JLIDE (pronounced as glide) [jl-ide]
JuSci Editor (Julia Scientific Editor)
JuCE :sweat_smile:(Julia Code Editor)

  • JuSci
  • JuCE

0 voters

VSJun (pronounced “Vision”) or VSJulia (“Visually”)

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