I was using the package TaylorSeries to find out taylor approximation of a simple multivariate function f(x,y)=x^2+y^2. For the simple approximation around point (0,0) this works fine. However, if i want to expand around any other point e.g (1,1) it gives a wrong estimate. My code is as follows:
using TaylorSeries
RT(Y1, Y2) = Y1^2 + Y2^2
Yref1 = 1
Yref2 = 1
x, y = set_variables("x y", order=3)
tseries = RT(x+Yref1, y+Yref2)
The output is : 2.0 + 2.0 x + 2.0 y + 1.0 x² + 1.0 y² + 𝒪(‖x‖⁴)
whereas I was expecting : 2.0 + 2.0 (x-1) + 2.0 (y-1) + 1.0 (x-1)² + 1.0 (y-1)² + 𝒪(‖x‖⁴)
I think the confusion here is that it is expanding in the variables x and y that you gave it, whereas you seem to be expecting an expansion in terms of Y1 - 1 (= x) and Y2 - 1 (= y)?
I guess neither were wrong. I just needed to subtract the given Yref from the value at the point where I calculate the series value i.e. at the end of the above code I add
desired_ans=tseries(2-Yref1, 2- Yref2)
if I want to compute the series expansion value at (2,2)