This is my first time trying to use multithreading for real work. I have an inner loop in my code for doing sinc interpolation of a recorded time history file. A minimum working example is
# Minumum working example for threaded operation of a for loop
using Base.Threads
using Random
@inline h(x) = (cos(π/2 * x/n)) ^2 # Hanning window where n is the number of data points in each direction
@inline wsinc(x) = sinc(x) * h(x) # windowed sinc function
n = 10
ordinate_time = rand(31)
fpart, ipart = modf(13.78)
ipart = Integer(ipart)
ya = 0.0
for (i, filtervalue) in enumerate(-n+fpart : n)
index = ipart+1-n+i
ya += ordinate_time[index] * wsinc(filtervalue)
This gives a result. When I try multithreading I replace the for loop with
@threads for (i, filtervalue) in enumerate(-n+fpart : n)
index = ipart+1-n+i
#ya += ordinate_time[index] * wsinc(filtervalue)
atomic_add!(ya, ordinate_time[index] * wsinc(filtervalue))
I don’t think I need the atomic_add, but I tried it because I really don’t know what I am doing wrong here.
The error is
nested task error: MethodError: no method matching firstindex(::Base.Iterators.Enumerate{StepRangeLen{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}}})
The problem is enumerate, which (like many of Julia’s Base.Iterators constructs) doesn’t currently support indexing. You can work around it with something like this:
nrange = -n+fpart : n
Threads.@threads for i in eachindex(nrange)
filtervalue = nrange[i]
External libraries like ThreadsX and LoopVectorization tend to have better support for generic threading constructs at the moment, e.g.
using ThreadsX
ya = ThreadsX.sum(enumerate(-n+fpart : n)) do (i, filtervalue)
index = ipart + 1 - n + i
return ordinate_time[index] * wsinc(filtervalue)
A separate performance quibble (maybe not reflected in your actual code, but noted just in case): h(x) depends on the global variable n, which kills performance. Better to specify it as h(x, n).
You might want to try Lanczos interpolation from Interpolations.jl (it’s just a sinc function windowed with a sinc).
support = 10
scale = 4
ya = interpolate(ordinate_time, Interpolations.Lanczos{support}(scale))[13.78]
Thank you for pointing me to the ThreadsX library, and showing the code snippet. I think this is the first time I have seen the CPU at 100% on my computer. And also for mentioning the performance quibble. I was looking at that and wondering if I should change it, now I have. And thanks to tkf and all those that have made Julia what it is. I will check out the Lanczos interpolation.
Should I also implement the fastmath library for additional speed?
Doing some more experimentation I find that any attempt to parallelize this loop results in a loss of performance. Would I be correct in assuming that this is because the number of elements to be summed is too small (20 elements)?
My minimum working example now is:
# Minumum working example for threaded operation of a for loop
using ThreadsX, Base.Threads
using Random
function mwe()
@inline h(x,n) = (cos(π/2 * x/n)) ^2 # Hanning window where n is the number of data points in each direction
@inline wsinc(x,n) = sinc(x) * h(x,n) # windowed sinc function
n = 10
for i = 1:1000000
ordinate_time = rand(31)
fpart, ipart = modf(13.78)
ipart = Integer(ipart)
ya = 0.0
nrange = -n+fpart : n
for i in eachindex(nrange)
filtervalue = nrange[i]
index = ipart+1-n+i
ya += ordinate_time[index] * wsinc(filtervalue,n)
ya = ThreadsX.sum(enumerate(-n+fpart : n)) do (i, filtervalue)
index = ipart+1-n+i
return ordinate_time[index] * wsinc(filtervalue,n)
where I comment out the respective blocks of code to try each technique
The results for ThreadsX are:
ya = ThreadsX.sum(enumerate(-n+fpart : n)) do (i, filtervalue)
index = ipart+1-n+i
return ordinate_time[index] * wsinc(filtervalue,n)
julia> Threads.nthreads()
julia> @btime mwe()
50.776 s (307802549 allocations: 18.50 GiB)
julia> Threads.nthreads()
julia> @btime mwe()
15.994 s (193000000 allocations: 8.43 GiB)
Use sum instead of ThreadsX.sum and get the following
julia> @btime mwe()
3.425 s (82000000 allocations: 1.52 GiB)
Clearly the most performant code is without any parallelizing
Now try using the @threads macro with a for loop:
Threads.@threads for i in eachindex(nrange)
filtervalue = nrange[i]
index = ipart+1-n+i
ya += ordinate_time[index] * wsinc(filtervalue,n)
julia> Threads.nthreads()
julia> @btime mwe()
18.827 s (145337991 allocations: 7.51 GiB)
julia> Threads.nthreads()
julia> @btime mwe()
4.828 s (90000000 allocations: 2.18 GiB)
Remove the Threads.threads before the for loop
julia> @btime mwe()
716.158 ms (1000000 allocations: 320.43 MiB)
Clearly the for loop outperforms the sum function and adding parallelizing reduces performance for all cases.
I have an outer for loop that I may be able to use LoopVectorization on. I will try that next.
# Minimum working example for threaded operation of a for loop
# parallel summation of the inner loop is too small for this to be effective
using ThreadsX, Base.Threads
using Random
function mwe()
@inline h(x,n) = (cos(π/2 * x/n)) ^2 # Hanning window where n is the number of data points in each direction
@inline wsinc(x,n) = sinc(x) * h(x,n) # windowed sinc function
t = 1:1000000
ordinate_time = sinpi.(2*10*t) .+ cospi.(2*14.7*t)
ordinate_angle = zeros(Float64, length(ordinate_time))
n = 10
for i = 15:1000000-15 # so I don't deal with the end conditions
fpart, ipart = modf(13.78)
ipart = Integer(ipart)
ya = 0.0
nrange = -n+fpart : n
for i in eachindex(nrange)
filtervalue = nrange[i]
index = ipart+1-n+i
ya += ordinate_time[index] * wsinc(filtervalue,n)
ordinate_angle[i] = ya
ya = ThreadsX.sum(enumerate(-n+fpart : n)) do (i, filtervalue)
index = ipart+1-n+i
return ordinate_time[index] * wsinc(filtervalue,n)
return ordinate_angle
Edit: I added
using LoopVectorization
@turbo for i = 15:1000000-15 # so I don't deal with the end conditions
and now get the error
┌ Error: Failed to revise C:\Users\jakez\.julia\dev\SignalProcessing\example\MEW parallel sum.jl
│ exception =
│ LoadError: BoundsError: attempt to access 0-element Vector{LoopVectorization.Operation} at index [1]
│ in expression starting at C:\Users\jakez\.julia\dev\SignalProcessing\example\MEW parallel sum.jl:14
└ @ Revise C:\Users\jakez\.julia\packages\Revise\3RMhb\src\packagedef.jl:716
using Base.Threads, Random, BenchmarkTools, Test
@inline h(x::Float64,n::Int) = (cos(π/2 * x/n))^2
@inline wsinc(x::Float64,n::Int) = sinc(x) * h(x,n)
@inline function calc_ya(n::Int, ipart::Int ,fpart::Float64, ordinate_time::Vector{Float64})
ya = 0.0
for (j, filtervalue) in enumerate(-n+fpart : n)
index = ipart+1-n+j
ya += ordinate_time[index] * wsinc(filtervalue,n)
return ya
function mwe()
t = 1:1000000
n = 10
ordinate_time = sinpi.(2*10*t) .+ cospi.(2*14.7*t)
ordinate_angle = zeros(Float64, length(ordinate_time))
fpart, ipart = modf(13.78)
ipart = Integer(ipart)
tsteps = 15:length(t)-15
for i ∈ tsteps
ordinate_angle[i] = calc_ya(n,ipart,fpart,ordinate_time)
return ordinate_angle
function mwe_threads()
t = 1:1000000
n = 10
ordinate_time = sinpi.(2*10*t) .+ cospi.(2*14.7*t)
ordinate_angle = zeros(Float64, length(ordinate_time))
fpart, ipart = modf(13.78)
ipart = Integer(ipart)
tsteps = 15:length(t)-15
@threads for i ∈ tsteps
ordinate_angle[i] = calc_ya(n,ipart,fpart,ordinate_time)
return ordinate_angle
With 8 threads I get the following performance:
julia> @btime mwe();
588.646 ms (4 allocations: 15.26 MiB)
julia> @btime mwe_threads();
108.995 ms (47 allocations: 15.26 MiB)
julia> @test mwe() == mwe_threads()
Test Passed
I hope this helps you and I have understood your MWE correctly. Note that all variables that do not depend on i can be calculated outside the for-loop.