Most performant way of updating vector values?

Several times in my code, I will update the values of a vector. I want to avoid allocations and other stuff, and make it as performant as possible. At the beginning the vector is preallocated with n dummy values, and then I will update it. What is the best way?

E.g, I have:

n = 100
work_values = zeros(n)
function new_val(i)
    return 2i+5

and I now want to set each of the n values to the value according to i. Doing either:

work_values = map(i -> new_val(i), 1:n)
work_values = [new_val(i) for i in 1:n]
work_values .= new_val.(1:n)

I am afraid might cause some problem due to allocation/reallocation, but I am really not very certain about this. Alternatively, I could try:

foreach(i -> work_values[i] = new_val(i), 1:n)

but at some point, someone told me that foreach could cause problems with performance. Finally, maybe

for i in 1:n
    work_values[i] = new_val(i)

would be the best, but putting in a full for loop also feels a bit excessive.

(after creating the initial work_values vector, I will update its content many times, each time with different values, not just with what new_val gives n this example)

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The for loop will work without allocations, for sure.

work_values .= new_val.(1:n)

Are you sure this pattern allocates? Note that if you have something more complex than 1:n that could be triggering allocations, and not the broadcasted equal sign.

using BenchmarkTools

function set_values!(a,b)
       b .= a

a = LinRange(0,1,100)
b = zeros(100)

@btime set_values!(a,b)
128.973 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
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Note that these two are not updating the values, but creating new arrays. In the case of mapping, you want to use map!:

julia> x = [1,2,3];

julia> map!(i -> 2i, x, 1:3);

julia> x
3-element Vector{Int64}:
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I had someone cautioning me on using broadcasting, but again, it might be dependent on the setting and fine in general. if it work, something like the work_values .= new_val.(1:n) seems good.

Get it, so using map! might be good? Or would I have the same problems as I (might) have when using an anonymous function in the foreach loop?

map! is fine. The broadcasing is also fine. The foreach can be problematic in the global scope, because then you are modifying a global variable, but within a function it is also fine:

julia> updatex(f,x,r) = foreach(i -> x[i] = f(i), r)
updatex (generic function with 1 method)

julia> x = [1,2,3];

julia> @btime updatex(i -> 2i, $x, 1:3)
  1.847 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> x
3-element Vector{Int64}:

(but map! and the broadcasting are by far more idiomatic for this)

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Got it, thanks a lot for the help :slight_smile:

Another vote for broadcasting here. It’s both performant and the most elegant and idiomatic. I wonder why someone cautioned you against it.

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I think it might have been something else in the situation that made broadcasting problematic, and I erroneously overinterpreted it as to be generally cautious.

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Maybe it’s because the left-most “.” (in .=) is doing a lot of heavy lifting here but is very inconspicuous. Omission leads to identical results just with allocation, which might be the reason people think broadcasting leads to allocation. FWIW, I remember 2 topics here on discourse where someone forgot/didn’t think about that dot and asked for performance help.

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