Hi there,
I’m my attempt to learn Julia, I’m solving project euler problems. In one of them, I found the performance not particularly good, when compared with other languages, e.g., Python.
The code in question is the following:
function problemXXX()
file = "../src/files/ProblemXXX.txt"
names = sort(readdlm(file, ',', String)[:])
result = 0
for (idx, name) in enumerate(names)
result += sum(Int(c) - 64 for c in name) * idx
return result
@time ProblemXXX()
0.352722 seconds (262.48 k allocations: 13.976 MiB, 98.79% compilation time)
If I just read the file and return the first item, without doing any calculation, I got this result:
function problemXXX()
file = "../src/files/ProblemXXX.txt"
names = sort(readdlm(file, ',', String)[:])
return names[1]
@time ProblemXXX()
0.289460 seconds (133.07 k allocations: 7.343 MiB, 99.56% compilation time)
It means that most of the time is just spent in reading the file?
The file, provided by the problem, is just a single line string of 46k names surrounded by double quotes and separated by commas, e.g., “MARY”, “AARON”, “DAVID”, …
Any ideas of how to improve the speed, memory allocations?
Thx in advance