I tried to replicate @Oscar_Smith 's result from the StackOverflow comment:
using BenchmarkTools;
using LinearAlgebra;
using LoopVectorization;
function QuadForm( vX :: Vector{T}, mA :: Matrix{T}, vY :: Vector{T} ) where {T <: AbstractFloat}
(axes(vX)..., axes(vY)...) == axes(mA) || throw(DimensionMismatch());
m, n = size(mA);
s = zero(T);
@tturbo for jj in 1:n
yj = vY[jj];
t = zero(T);
for ii in 1:m
t += mA[ii, jj] * vX[ii];
s += t * yj;
return s;
function QuadForm( vX :: Vector{T}, mA :: S, vY :: Vector{T} ) where {T <: AbstractFloat, S <: Symmetric{<: T, <: Matrix{<: T}}}
# Slower than not using the Symmetric property
(length(vX) == length(vY) == size(mA, 1)) || throw(DimensionMismatch())
n = length(vY);
s = zero(T);
if mA.uplo == 'U'
@inbounds for jj in 1:n
@fastmath s += vX[jj] * mA[jj, jj] * vY[jj]; #<! Diagonal
@inbounds for ii in 1:(jj - 1)
@fastmath s += vX[ii] * mA[ii, jj] * vY[jj] + vX[jj] * mA[ii, jj] * vY[ii];
else #<! if A.uplo == 'L'
@inbounds for jj in 1:n
@fastmath s += vX[jj] * mA[jj, jj] * vY[jj]; #<! Diagonal
@inbounds for ii in (jj + 1):n
@fastmath s += vX[ii] * mA[ii, jj] * vY[jj] + vX[jj] * mA[ii, jj] * vY[ii];
return s;
numRows = 10; numCols = 5; mA = randn(numRows, numCols); mB = Symmetric(randn(numRows, numRows)); mC = Matrix(mB); vX = randn(numRows); vY = randn(numCols);
numRows = 100; numCols = 50; mA = randn(numRows, numCols); mB = Symmetric(randn(numRows, numRows)); mC = Matrix(mB); vX = randn(numRows); vY = randn(numCols);
numRows = 1_000; numCols = 500; mA = randn(numRows, numCols); mB = Symmetric(randn(numRows, numRows)); mC = Matrix(mB); vX = randn(numRows); vY = randn(numCols);
@btime dot($vX, $mA, $vY)
@btime QuadForm($vX, $mA, $vY)
@btime dot($vX, $mB, $vX)
@btime QuadForm($vX, $mB, $vX) #<! Slow!
@btime dot($vX, $mC, $vX)
@btime QuadForm($vX, $mC, $vX) #<! Faster (No symmetry)
I’m on Ryzen 7940.
On my system the Symmetric code make no gains.
Up to 500 elements the LoopVectorization.jl
code is 30-50% faster.
Is there anything else to optimize? Specifically for the symmetric case.
Since the inner loop depends on the outer loop, LP.jl
is not valid.