I am trying to use Enzyme.jl with Molly.jl to differentiate a MD Simulation with respect to some parameters. Unfortunately my program returns only gradients of magnitude 0.
( This has also been posted to Molly.jl: AD with Enyzme returns 0 gradient · Issue #156 · JuliaMolSim/Molly.jl · GitHub )
function AD_test_no_unit()
data_dir = joinpath(dirname(pathof(Molly)), "..", "data")
ff_clean = MolecularForceField(
joinpath(data_dir, "force_fields", "ff99SBildn.xml"),
joinpath(data_dir, "force_fields", "tip3p_standard.xml"),
joinpath(data_dir, "force_fields", "his.xml");
sys_clean = System(
joinpath(data_dir, "6mrr_nowater.pdb"),
temp = 298.0
simulator = Langevin(
dt=0.001, #u"ps",
friction=1.0, #u"ps^-1",
coupling=MonteCarloBarostat(1.0, temp, sys_clean.boundary), #1.0 u"bar"
# this bond object holds the 2 parameters of interest
bond_params = sys_clean.specific_inter_lists[1].inters[1]
bond_k_orig = bond_params.k # k = 363171.19999999995
bond_r0_orig = bond_params.r0 # r0 = 0.101
random_velocities!(sys_clean, temp)
sys_dirty = deepcopy(sys_clean)
sys_dirty_copy = deepcopy(sys_clean)
#get energy from a run using unaltered parameters
neighbors = find_neighbors(sys_clean, sys_clean.neighbor_finder; n_threads=8)
simulate!(sys_clean, simulator, 10)
sys_clean_energy = total_energy(sys_clean, neighbors) # energy = 8632.53
bond_k_alt = Float64(100)
bond_r0_alt = Float64(10)
# run with unaltered parameters. Expect ≈0 loss and ≈0 derivative
# returns ((0.0, 0.0, nothing, nothing, nothing),)
grads_orig = autodiff(Reverse, loss, Active, Active(bond_k_orig), Active(bond_r0_orig), Const(sys_dirty), Const(sys_clean_energy), Const(simulator), Const(neighbors))
sys_dirty = deepcopy(sys_dirty_copy)
loss_orig = loss(bond_k_orig, bond_r0_orig, sys_dirty, sys_clean_energy, simulator, neighbors) # loss = 12.44
sys_dirty = deepcopy(sys_dirty_copy)
# run with altered parameters. Expect high loss and high derivative
# returns ((0.0, 0.0, nothing, nothing, nothing),)
grads_alt = autodiff(Reverse, loss, Active, Active(bond_k_alt), Active(bond_r0_alt), Const(sys_dirty), Const(sys_clean_energy), Const(simulator), Const(neighbors))
sys_dirty = deepcopy(sys_dirty_copy)
loss_alt = loss(bond_k_alt, bond_r0_alt, sys_dirty, sys_clean_energy, simulator, neighbors) # loss = 4907.96
return grads_orig, loss_orig, grads_alt, loss_alt
function loss(k, r0, sys_dirty, sys_clean_energy, simulator, neighbors)
sys_dirty.specific_inter_lists[1].inters[1] = HarmonicBond{Float64, Float64}(k, r0)
simulate!(sys_dirty, simulator, 10; n_threads=1, run_loggers=false)
return abs(total_energy(sys_dirty, neighbors) - sys_clean_energy)
No matter which values for the parameters i choose, i always get the same output.
How would you make this work, or is there maybe a better way to get these gradients using Enzyme? (I’m trying Zygote.jl soon if i can’t get this to work)
Additional info
(BiochemicalAlgorithms) pkg> status Enzyme
Project BiochemicalAlgorithms v0.1.0
⌅ [7da242da] Enzyme v0.11.2
Info Packages marked with ⌅ have new versions available but compatibility constraints restrict them from upgrading. To see why use `status --outdated`
(BiochemicalAlgorithms) pkg> status Molly
Project BiochemicalAlgorithms v0.1.0
[aa0f7f06] Molly v0.18.1
I’m new to Automatic Differentiation, Enzyme and Molly, so it’s possible i am doing something fundamentally wrong. I also tried out ForwardMode of Enzyme to no avail either. With larger files (eg “6mrr_equil.pdb”) i have been getting the TypeAnalysisDepthLimit
warning, but not with this file (“6mrr_nowater.pdb”)