MolecularGraph.jl error for drawing 3D molecule


I tried the example for drawing 3D molecules in (at the end of the page).

However it gave an error when I called:


The error:

ERROR: MethodError: no method matching setindex!(::Makie.Axis, ::Bool, ::Symbol)
 [1] spacefilling(args::SDFMolGraph; radii::String, kwargs::@Kwargs{})
   @ MolecularGraph C:\Users\beryl\.julia\packages\MolecularGraph\sPovF\src\draw\draw3d.jl:59
 [2] spacefilling(args::SDFMolGraph)
   @ MolecularGraph C:\Users\beryl\.julia\packages\MolecularGraph\sPovF\src\draw\draw3d.jl:57
 [3] top-level scope
   @ REPL[12]:1

I am using:

Julia v1.10
MolecularGraph v0.17.1
GLMakie v0.10.5

Perhaps I need to use older version of MolecularGraph or GLMakie?

This looks like a bug in MolecularGraph.jl to me. The trace you provided points to this line of code:

I’m not a Makie expert, just an occasional user, but search this show_axis attribute seems to have been deprecated since at least 2021.

It looks like the referenced notebook was run circa 202, so it’s possible that this code worked back then but at some point since then stopped working. I’d suggest filing an Issue with the MolecularGraph.jl repo.

I see, thanks! I will open an issue there.