Is it possible to modify string interpolation using type-specific rules restricted to a specific context?
?s <$(ns.aa.__str__())> ?o)
"SELECT * WHERE {\n?s <> ?o)\n}\n"
but it would be more fun if I could only write something like
sparql""“SELECT * WHERE {
?s $(ns.aa) ?o)
Any thoughts on how to achieve this?
complete example below:
using PyCall
rdflib = pyimport_conda("rdflib","rdflib")
struct NameSpace
NameSpace(s::String) = new(pycall(rdflib.Namespace, PyObject, s))
Base.getproperty(thens::NameSpace, s::Symbol) =
pycall(rdflib.Namespace.term, PyObject, getfield(thens, :_ns), string(s))
ns = NameSpace("")
s = """SELECT * WHERE {
?s <$(ns.aa.__str__())> ?o)
Julia will use the show mechanism to determine the string representation of your inserted variable during interpolation. So it is possible to define how certain types will be interpolated in your string. However i don’t no pycall therfore i don’t know about the type of ns.aa
. You should own the type in order to define new show
methods on it, otherwise this would be considered type piracy.
Here is a small example how to do this for your own types
julia> struct Foo
julia> f = Foo(4)
julia>, f::Foo) = print(io, "This is my custom representation of $(f.x) wrapped in Foo")
julia> "longer string with interpolated $f"
"longer string with interpolated This is my custom representation of 4 wrapped in Foo"
PS: You can also define non-standard string literals such as sparql"..."
where you can parse and modify the string however you want but I guess hooking into the show mechanism is the simpler solution…
I’m not sure where the sparql
macro comes from, but my guess is that it doesn’t allow string interpolation, which seems to be what you want. This can be incorporated, but it requires some effort, as it isn’t the default behaviour. The code in HypertextLiteral might show you how.
There is no sparql macro yet, I was contemplating writing one. I am learning rdflib (python library) and Julia at the same time.