I would like to write a summary of a struct as a string
So I did the following:
julia> struct Cell{R<:Int}
julia> import Base.print
julia> print(io::IO, c::Cell) = print(">>($(c.row),$(c.col))")
print (generic function with 32 methods)
julia> c=Cell(2,3)
Cell{Int64}(2, 3)
julia> "it is $c currently"
>>(2,3)"it is currently"
I think it is clear that this is not useful output.
My inclination would have been to write a string()
method but if I understand the docs correctly print()
is the preferred method to overload:
“Both concatenation and string interpolation call string
to convert objects into string form. However, string
actually just returns the output of print
, so new types should add methods to print
or [show
](I/O and Network · The Julia Language{IO, Any}) instead of string
Could somebody point me in teh right direction, please?
Many thanks.