Mismatch between LLVM library used during precompilation (Atom - Juno)


I get the following error when I evaluate using MyModule via Atom - Juno. Somehow I don’t get this error when I evaluate it via julia.exe or VsCode. I make the module available via `push!(LOAD_PATH, <mymodule_path>). I already tried to delete the MyModule.ji in .julia/compiled folder, but it doesn’t work

Version Info:
Julia 1.7.2
ink 0.12.6
julia-client 0.12.6
language-julia 0.22.1
uber-juno 0.3.0
vscode-julia 1.5.11

┌ Error: Mismatch between LLVM library used during precompilation (C:\Users<user>\Software\Julia-1.7.2\bin\libLLVM.dll) and the current run-time situation (C:\Users<user>\Software\Julia-1.7.2\bin\libLLVM.dll). Please recompile the package.
└ @ LLVM C:\Users<user>.julia\packages\LLVM\MJqe4\src\LLVM.jl:104

Does somebody know what could be the reason for this ?