Migrating simple Poisson/Gamma model from Pymc3

Following this Pymc3 notebook, I have been trying to migrate some of the models to Turing.

The Estimating a rate from Poisson data: an idealized example example is a simple bayesian model with a Gamma prior for a Poisson Distribution. On my turing implementation I get a theta with ~2.4 mean. On the notebook, the mean is around 0.8.

My code:

@model poisson_model(y) = begin
    theta_1 ~ Gamma(3, 5)
    y ~ Poisson(2*theta_1)
model_p = poisson_model(3)
chain2 = sample(model_p, NUTS(), 50000);

What could be wrong with my code? Sorry if it is simple, I am new to Julia and turing :slight_smile:

Pymc3 code for reference:

with pm.Model() as poisson_model:
    theta = pm.Gamma('theta', alpha=3, beta=5)
    post = pm.Poisson('post', mu=2 * theta, observed=3)

Welcome. One possibility is that the Gamma distribution in Python and Julia are parameterized differently. What is the mean of your Gamma prior in PyMC3?

using Distributions
mean(Gamma(3 ,5))


Indeed, that appears to be the case:

using Turing, Random

@model poisson_model(y) = begin
    theta_1 ~ Gamma(3, 1/5)
    y ~ Poisson(2*theta_1)
model_p = poisson_model(3)
chain2 = sample(model_p, NUTS(), 50000);


Summary Statistics
  parameters      mean       std   naive_se      mcse          ess      rhat 
      Symbol   Float64   Float64    Float64   Float64      Float64   Float64 

     theta_1    0.8557    0.3500     0.0016    0.0023   23968.1460    1.0000

  parameters      2.5%     25.0%     50.0%     75.0%     97.5% 
      Symbol   Float64   Float64   Float64   Float64   Float64 

     theta_1    0.3098    0.6009    0.8094    1.0604    1.6653
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Perfect! Thank you!!

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