Since Julia doesn’t allow any function declaration other than constructors inside struct right now, one can imagine a new syntax that allows the declaration of the functions that are suitable for the dot syntax. For example,
struct Foo
function f(foo::Foo, x) end
f(foo:Foo, x) = (foo.x = x)
In this way, Julia can treat foo.f(x) as f(foo, x). And it also makes autocompleetion easier to implement in editors.
Maybe. But the dot syntax seems so natural in many cases that the same issue will be raised again and again as long as Julia attracts people. Why not make it a syntax sugar?
I guess it depends who you ask There’re things that one can manage to live without but will be happier to live with. Again, I’m not talking about piping or chaining for which elegant alternatives have been shown to exist.
Thank you, I have added this to my running list of Julia macros which hope to address chaining/piping/threading/currying/partial evaluation/whatever it’s called. I have now collected links to eleven such packages.
I feel like my proposal (plus addendum) is now mature enough that I can split off into its own proposal thread.