Meta-programming an if-else statement of user-defined length

One more thing, maybe it’ll help. It looks like the central (and most heavy computational) function of your package is RunSR, which in turn has niterations option. If it possible to rewrite your algorithm in a way that BINOP! function would be called multiple times for the same i, then issue of dynamical dispatch will be complete gone. I mean, if it is possible to do something like

function RunSR(x, y, niterations, options)
# ... some preliminary calculations
  BINOP!(x, y, niterations, i, options)
# ... some preliminary calculations

function BINOP!(x::Array, y, niterations, i, options)
  op = options.binop[i]
  BINOP!(op, x, y, niterations)

function BINOP!(op, x, y, niterations)
   for k = 1:niterations
        broadcast!(op, x, x, y)
        # ... do some other calculations

It’s just an idea, but I hope it is clear - push dynamic dispatch as early in your calculations as possible and proceed to work with well defined types. This way you can avoid meta programming completely.