I am trying to optimize the way my package SymbolicRegression.jl (the pure-Julia version of PySR) calls user-passed operators.
The user passes a list of operators like so:
binary_operators=[plus, mult])
Inside this package, an equation is stored as a binary tree. Each node in the tree has an index which corresponds to an operator. For example, a node in the tree with index=1 implies the plus
operator, and index=2 implies the mult
operator (in this case).
Without going into too many details, I evaluate operators on some data by calling a function and passing the index of the operator.
This function looks like this:
@inline function BINOP!(x::Array{Float32, 1}, y::Array{Float32, 1}, i::Int, clen::Int, options::Options)
op = options.binops[i]
@inbounds @simd for j=1:clen
x[j] = op(x[j], y[j])
So, it selects the corresponding operator from the user-defined list, and then calls it.
However, this way of selecting operators seems to be inefficient compared to a having a pre-defined function like so:
@inline function BINOP!(x::Array{Float32, 1}, y::Array{Float32, 1}, i::Int, clen::Int)
if i == 1
@inbounds @simd for j=1:clen
x[j] = plus(x[j], y[j])
@inbounds @simd for j=1:clen
x[j] = mult(x[j], y[j])
Something about having the operators fixed inside the function which branches over them in an if statement seems to make the compiler happy, and this way of doing it gets a speedup. (note: the Options
argument is a immutable struct; so that argument should be fixed for all of the computation)
The Python front-end for my package meta-programs this if-statement by literally printing a string to a file, which is why this Python frontend/Julia backend seems to be faster than the pure-Julia backend.
So, I’ve tried to do the same thing in Julia but have not had luck. I am trying to meta-program this if-statement from inside Julia at runtime, since the user is free to pass any list of functions they desire.
Here is what I have so far:
function constructBinaryOpEvaluator(binary_operators)
if length(binary_operators) == 0
return """(x::Array{Float32, 1}, y::Array{Float32, 1}, i::Int, clen::Int) -> begin
for i=1:length(binary_operators)
if i == 1
branch_operators = """
if i == 1
@inbounds @simd for j=1:clen
x[j] = $(string(binary_operators[1]))(x[j], y[j])
elseif i < length(binary_operators)
branch_operators *= """
elseif i == $i
@inbounds @simd for j=1:clen
x[j] = $(string(binary_operators[i]))(x[j], y[j])
branch_operators *= """
@inbounds @simd for j=1:clen
x[j] = $(string(binary_operators[i]))(x[j], y[j])
branch_operators *= """
return """(x::Array{Float32, 1}, y::Array{Float32, 1}, i::Int, clen::Int) -> begin
This returns the correct function string that I am looking for (I tried to do this with quote...end
but I couldn’t seem to define incomplete expressions to be concatenated). However, when I try to evaluate it as a closure function with the following code:
plus(x, y) = x + y
mult(x, y) = x * y
binary_operators = [plus, mult]
func_string = constructBinaryOpEvaluator(binary_operators)
func = eval(Meta.parse(func_string))
x = randn(Float32, 5)
func(x, x, 1, 5)
I get this as an error:
Float32[0.53156346, 0.023917956, 0.15273008, -0.33916265, 0.7506737]
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching (::var"#1#2")(::Array{Float32,1}, ::Array{Float32,1}, ::Int64, ::Int64)
The applicable method may be too new: running in world age 27803, while current world is 27804.
Closest candidates are:
#1(::Array{Float32,1}, ::Array{Float32,1}, ::Int64, ::Int64) at none:1 (method too new to be called from this world context.)
So I’m not sure how to move forward - I don’t see a reason for why this shouldn’t work, since I’m running eval
on code I know should have worked if I just typed it out literally.
Any idea what to do?