I was implementing an algorithm to detect edges in RGB images, when I noticed very high memory usage:
function coloredge(img::Matrix{RGB{T}})::Matrix{T} where T <: AbstractFloat
Sy, Sx = size(img)
z = zeros(T, Sy, Sx)
for x=2:Sx-1
for y=2:Sy-1
∂img∂x = img[y, x+1] - img[y, x-1]
∂img∂y = img[y+1, x] - img[y-1, x]
u = [red(∂img∂x), green(∂img∂x), blue(∂img∂x)]
v = [red(∂img∂y), green(∂img∂y), blue(∂img∂y)]
g_xx = u'*u
g_xy = u'*v
g_yy = v'*v
θ = 1/2 * atan(2*g_xy/(g_xx - g_yy))
if isnan(θ)
θ = 1/2 * π/2
F_θ = sqrt(max(0, 1/2 * ((g_xx + g_yy) + (g_xx - g_yy)*cos(2*θ) + 2*g_xy*sin(2*θ))))
z[y, x] = F_θ
return z
I tested it on the testimage("mandrill")
using @btime
and I got
51.996 ms (520202 allocations: 57.56 MiB)
Then I changed the code to
function coloredge_noalloc(img::Matrix{RGB{T}})::Matrix{T} where T <: AbstractFloat
Sy, Sx = size(img)
z = zeros(T, Sy, Sx)
u = Vector{T}(undef, 3)
v = Vector{T}(undef, 3)
for x=2:Sx-1
for y=2:Sy-1
∂img∂x = img[y, x+1] - img[y, x-1]
∂img∂y = img[y+1, x] - img[y-1, x]
u[1] = red(∂img∂x)
u[2] = green(∂img∂x)
u[3] = blue(∂img∂x)
v[1] = red(∂img∂y)
v[2] = green(∂img∂y)
v[3] = blue(∂img∂y)
g_xx = u'*u
g_xy = u'*v
g_yy = v'*v
θ = 1/2 * atan(2*g_xy/(g_xx - g_yy))
if isnan(θ)
θ = 1/2 * π/2
F_θ = sqrt(max(0, 1/2 * ((g_xx + g_yy) + (g_xx - g_yy)*cos(2*θ) + 2*g_xy*sin(2*θ))))
z[y, x] = F_θ
return z
and now it performs as expected
32.185 ms (4 allocations: 2.00 MiB)
Why do I have to do it component-wise? I tried with u .= [red(∂img∂x), green(∂img∂x), blue(∂img∂x)]
but that did not work, neither did u= ...
(required imports: Images, TestImages, BenchmarkTools