Memory allocation tracking

I used --track-allocation to see the memory allocated to the code and I got below results for one of the function. I am just allocating a value from an array to the variable and it shows a large number as the memory allocation. Is there anything wrong with my code> Thank you.

- function solver(dx, dy, nx, ny, residual, source, u_numerical, rms,
        -                 initial_rms, maximum_iterations, tiny, lambda, output, flag,
        -                 relaxcount)
290003364     flag_solver     = flag[2]
        0     flag_multigrid  = flag[3]
        0     flag_order      = flag[6]
        0     if flag_multigrid == 1 && flag_order == 1
        -         # flag_solver     = flag[2]
        0         if flag_solver == 1
        -         # call jacobi solver
        0             jacobi_solver(dx, dy, nx, ny, residual, source, u_numerical, rms,
        -                           initial_rms, maximum_iterations, lambda, output)
        0         elseif flag_solver == 2
        -         # call gauss seidel solver
        0             gauss_seidel(dx, dy, nx, ny, residual, source, u_numerical, rms,
        -                          initial_rms, maximum_iterations, lambda, output)
        0         elseif flag_solver == 3
        -         # call steepest descent solver
        0             steepest_descent(dx, dy, nx, ny, residual, source, u_numerical, rms,
        -                              initial_rms, maximum_iterations, tiny, lambda, output)
        0         elseif flag_solver == 4
        -         # call conjugate gradient solver
        0             conjugate_gradient(dx, dy, nx, ny, residual, source, u_numerical, rms,
        -                                initial_rms, maximum_iterations, tiny, lambda, output)
        -         else
        0             biconjugate_gradient_stab(dx, dy, nx, ny, residual, source, u_numerical,
        -                                       rms, initial_rms, maximum_iterations, tiny, lambda, output)
        -         end
        -  end

Large allocations on the very first line in the function typically means the allocation had to do with the calling of the function.


Does the function call requires large memory allocation? What are the ways to reduce the memory allocation for the function call? Thank you.

If things are not type stable then it can require some memory to call. Best is if you can make a small example that exhibits the problem.

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