I’m running a function in a module and running a user memory allocation analysis. An extract from the function .mem file shows apparently memory allocation on commented lines. What does this mean?
- # end
0 # o.ilcrest=find(ra1 | ra2)+1
1600608 #
- # # I3.1 Find all 212 style troughs
- # for i=1:nz-2
- # ra1[i]=(z[i]>z[i+1]) & (z[i+1]<z[i+2])
- # end
- # # I3.2 Find all 2112 style crests
- # for i=1:nz-3
- # ra2[i]=(z[i]>z[i+1]) & (z[i+1]==z[i+2]) & (z[i+2]<z[i+3])
- # end
- # o.iltrough=find(ra1 | ra2)+1
- #
- # # J. Categorise slope
- # o.ipslope=falses(nz)
- # o.i0slope=falses(nz)
- # o.inslope=falses(nz)
0 # for i=1:nz-2
800288 # # .. find all points with neutral gradient
0 # o.ipslope[i]=z[i] < z[i+1]
813168 # # .. find all points with neutral gradient
- # o.i0slope[i]=z[i] == z[i+1]
- # # .. find all points with negative gradient
- # o.inslope[i]=z[i] > z[i+1]
- # end
- #