I won’t trade that, it is rare to see someone into AUD/JPY,
Packages that can be used:
- Dates
- DataFrames
- Plots
- RollingFunctions
For example this code works, I tried before (if you want to load data from CSV from investing.com):
using CSV, Dates, DataFrames, Plots, Plots.PlotMeasures, RollingFunctions
fileindy = "./csv/IDX-Stocks/INDY Historical Data.csv"
dfindy = CSV.read(fileindy, DataFrame)
dfindy.Price .= parse.(Float64, replace.(dfindy.Price, "," => ""))
dfindy[!,"Change %"] .= parse.(Float64, replace.(dfindy[!,"Change %"], "%" => ""))
dfindy.Dates = Date.(dfindy.Date, "mm/dd/yyyy")
tick_years = Date.(unique(Dates.year.(dfindy.Dates)))
DateTick = Dates.format.(tick_years, "yy")
xlimsindy = extrema([tick_years; dfindy.Dates])
p1 = plot(dfindy.Dates, dfindy.Price, title="",
xticks=(tick_years,DateTick), xlims=xlimsindy,
label="Indika Energy (Price)", xlabel="", ylabel="")
# Set up MA and Bollinger Band
prices = dfindy.Price;
moving_average = rollmean(prices, 20);
moving_std = rollstd(prices, 20);
bollinger_high = moving_average .+ 2moving_std;
bollinger_low = moving_average .- 2moving_std;
p2 = plot([moving_average bollinger_low bollinger_high],
label = ["Moving average" "Low" "High"], ls = [:solid :dash :dash])
plot(p1, p2, size=(900,800), layout = (2, 1),
legend=:outerright, left_margin=10mm, bottom_margin=5mm,
xaxis = "", yaxis = "")
The plot should look like this

If you want to build a hollow rectangle just use this for example:
plot!([2,2],[0,2], label="", linecolor=:green)
plot!([2,0],[2,2], label="", linecolor=:green)
plot!([0,2],[0,0], label="", linecolor=:green)
plot!([0,0],[2,0], label="", linecolor=:green)