I’m looking to reimplement various tools I have using python+matplotlib to julia+makie. Most of these deal with stellar astrophysics. One particular one is a plotting tool meant to post-process simulation data into one particular type of plot:
The core of what I need here is to make arbitrarily shaped hatched regions with holes. Using GLMakie I’ve found the snippet below can do the job:
using GLMakie
using Makie
f = Figure(resolution=(500,500))
Axis(f[1, 1])
pat = Makie.Pattern("+")
# polygon with hole
p = Makie.GeometryBasics.Polygon(
Point2f[(0, 0), (3, 0), (3, 3), (0, 3)],
[Point2f[(1.0, 1.0), (2.0, 1.0), (2.0, 2.0), (1.0, 2.0)]]
poly!(p, color=pat)
save("figure.png", f)
However, I need to use CairoMakie as well, since vector graphics support is important.The same code switched to CairoMakie gives me instead an error:
Unsupported Color type: Makie.LinePattern{ColorTypes.RGBA{Float32}}
Is this just a feature that is yet to be implemented in CairoMakie? If so, is there any workaround?
Thanks for any help!