Hi, so far I’ve used CairoMakie for 2D plots (exporting to .svg) while using GLMakie for 3D plots (for interactivity & exporting to .png). Is there any way to use CairoMakie with a 3D plot and export it to .svg? Speed doesn’t matter here, but it needs to be publication-quality and with editable axes.
When I do this for simple examples (Axis3 & lines!() with CairoMakie), it produces a bitmap in the .svg. In more complex cases, it fails upon display or .save() due to colormap issues:
MethodError: no method matching interpolated_getindex(::Vector{ColorTypes.RGBA{Float32}}, ::Float64, ::Vector{Float64})
Closest candidates are:
interpolated_getindex(::AbstractArray{T}, ::AbstractFloat) where T at ~/.julia/packages/Makie/lgPZh/src/colorsampler.jl:45
interpolated_getindex(::AbstractArray, ::Number, ::Union{Tuple{Vararg{T, N}}, StaticArrays.StaticVector{N, T}} where {N, T}) at ~/.julia/packages/Makie/lgPZh/src/colorsampler.jl:34
(here I used color = one of the vertex coordinates, colormap = :rainbow, with a specific color range)
Is there any hope to do this in CairoMakie? Or to add the feature of saving to .svg in GLMakie (my favorite)? I know this would be a lot of work, so a simple “no” is of course acceptable…