I just need a number line, like so
Can I free that from the Axis object?
I just need a number line, like so
Can I free that from the Axis object?
is the object that Axis
uses. It is missing some defaultattributes without which it will complain, so I’ve set them here. It only works if endpoints
are on a horizontal or vertical line:
f = Figure()
endpoints = Point2f0[(100, 300), (700, 300)],
spinecolor = :black,
labelfont = "Dejavu",
ticklabelfont = "Dejavu",
spinevisible = true,
ticks = Makie.automatic,
minorticks = IntervalsBetween(5),
limits = (-1.4, 1.4),
tickalign = 0.5,
minortickalign = 0.5,
ticksize = 15,
minorticksize = 7.5
s = scatter!(f.scene, Point(710, 300, 50), marker = '▴', rotation = -pi/2, markersize = 20)