I try to plot an animation of contours with GLMakie and GeoMakie, using observables.
This used to work , but I updated my Julia from 1.7.2 to 1.8 then it broke, with the error in the title occurring. I reverted to 1.7.2, removed all packages, reinstalled them (standard procedure), but it still throws the same error. I updated the packages to the latest versions, but it still does the same. I guess this as something to do with the observable variable because a simple countourf plot of the inputData
using GLMakie , GeoMakie , Makie , Makie.ColorSchemes , Observables , MakieTeX , LazyGrids ,FileIO
nLat = 181
nLon = 221
nt = 500
inputData = Array{Float64,3)(undef , nLat , nLon , nt)
field = permutedims(inputData , (2,1,3))
latLim = (30,75)
lonLim = (-30,25)
points = (longitudeOfaRefPoint, latitudeOfaRefPoint)
imgName = "animationContour.mkv"
titleString = "animationStep: "
idx = Observable(1)
data = lift(idx) do i
field[ :, :, i]
titlestr = lift(x -> titleString*" = "*string(x), idx)
fig = Figure(resolution = (2560 , 1440))
ga = GeoAxis(
fig[1, 1],
coastlines = true,
dest = "+proj=eqc",
lonlims = lonLim,
latlims = latLim,
title = titlestr)
sp = contourf!(ga, lons, lats, data ; shading=false, colormap=:inferno)
scatter!(ga , points , color="white" , markersize=20)
cb = Colorbar(fig[1, 2],sp)
record(fig, imgName, 1:size(field, 3); framerate = 30) do i
idx[] = i
GLMakie v0.6.13
GeoMakie v0.4.2
Makie v0.17.13
Observables v0.5.1
MakieTeX v0.2.3
LazyGrids v0.4.0
FileIO v1.15.0