Dear All,
While Makie.jl’s documentation and some threads here suggest using functions like the following:
fontsize_theme = Theme(fontsize = 30)
update_theme!(fontsize = 36)
they work just fine only for 2D plots. What i am trying to do is to change the font size for 3D surface plots, for example using this code snippet here (surface):
using SparseArrays
using LinearAlgebra
using GLMakie
# This example was provided by Moritz Schauer (@mschauer).
function gridlaplacian(m, n)
S = sparse(0.0I, n*m, n*m)
linear = LinearIndices((1:m, 1:n))
for i in 1:m
for j in 1:n
for (i2, j2) in ((i + 1, j), (i, j + 1))
if i2 <= m && j2 <= n
S[linear[i, j], linear[i2, j2]] -= 1
S[linear[i2, j2], linear[i, j]] -= 1
S[linear[i, j], linear[i, j]] += 1
S[linear[i2, j2], linear[i2, j2]] += 1
return S
# d is used to denote the size of the data
d = 150
# Sample centered Gaussian noise with the right correlation by the method
# based on the Cholesky decomposition of the precision matrix
data = 0.1randn(d,d) + reshape(
cholesky(gridlaplacian(d,d) + 0.003I) \ randn(d*d),
d, d)
#Any additions with the functions from the above snippet do not work here, just putting some of the examples below (around the surface function):
fontsize_theme = Theme(fontsize = 30)
surface(data; shading=false, colormap = :deep)
update_theme!(fontsize = 36)
I would be grateful for any solution for this problem, as i am trying to use Makie.jl for manuscript production graphs (i don’t want to go back to Plots.jl for that…).
Many thanks in advance!