I would like to connect a Slider to an heatmap display of a 2D slice, i.e, matrix, of a 3D array:
a3DArray[:, :, sliderValue]. such that as the Slider is moved, a new 2D slice is selected/indexed and the 2D heatmap is updated to display it.
My understanding from the documentation is that I should use “lift” to make the Slider - heatmap connection. However, it is not clear to me how I should implement it. Any insight would be appreciated.
The current code fragment:
module QntImageDisplay
using ModernGL
using GLMakie
using Observables
using PerceptualColourMaps
export static_image_display
function static_image_display(
imageVolume::Array{Float32, 3}, # the 3D image array
# . . .
# 2D displays
windowMin::Float32 = windowCentre - 0.5 * windowWidth
windowMax::Float32 = windowCentre + 0.5 * windowWidth
iLinRange = LinRange(1, size(imageVolume, 1), size(imageVolume, 1))
jLinRange = LinRange(1, size(imageVolume, 2), size(imageVolume, 2))
kLinRange = LinRange(1, size(imageVolume, 3), size(imageVolume, 3))
# 2D axial display
axis2DAxial = Axis(
figure[1, 2][1, 1],
aspect = AxisAspect(spatialExtent[2]/spatialExtent[1]),
backgroundcolor = :gray10)
# Slider to set the number/index of the 2D slice of the 3D array
slider2DAxial = Slider(
figure[1, 2][1, 2],
horizontal = false,
linewidth = 10.0,
range = 1:1:size(imageVolume, 3),
startvalue = size(imageVolume, 3)//2)
axialSliceNumber = to_value(slider2DAxial.value)
# 2D heatmap display of a slice [matrix] of the 3D array
axialHeatMap = heatmap!(
imageVolume[:, :, axialSliceNumber], # axialSliceNumber to be set by the Slider
color = :gray10,
colormap = colourMap,
colorrange = (windowMin, windowMax),
interpolate = true,
ssao = false,
transparency = false)
# I think I need to use lift here. If so, then how do I implement it?
# . . .