Hi i am trying to run the example code in http://juliaplots.org/MakieGallery.jl/stable/animation.html, but got an error of
type FigureAxisPlot has no field plots
getproperty(::Makie.FigureAxisPlot, ::Symbol)@Base.jl:33
(::Main.workspace24.var"#1#2")(::Int64)@Local: 8
var"#Record#922"(::Int64, ::typeof(Makie.Record), ::Main.workspace24.var"#1#2", ::Makie.FigureAxisPlot, ::UnitRange{Int64})@display.jl:595
top-level scope@Local: 7
here is the code
using Makie
scene = lines(rand(10); linewidth=10)
record(scene, "line_changing_colour.mp4", 1:255; framerate = 60) do i
scene.plots[2][:color] = RGBf0(i/255, (255 - i)/255, 0) # animate scene
# `scene.plots` gives the plots of the Scene.
# `scene.plots[1]` is always the Axis if it exists,
# and `scene.plots[2]` onward are the user-defined plots.
Usually if I want to plot something, it only works if I write using Plots; Plots.plot()
If I only say plots()
, it will not work.
this time I cannot figure out which part is wrong, anyone help? many thanks!