In the Makie v0.10.0, plotting 3D mesh is not as good as before. Here is minimal working example using Makie v0.10.0,
shell> wget
using Makie, FileIO
shape = load("bumpy-cube.obj")
im1 = mesh(shape,color=:red,shading=true)
However when I use Makie v0.9.6, the result is:
What parameter in Makie v0.10.0 I need to tweak to make nice 3d mesh plot?
That happens, because MeshIO doesn’t calculate normals by default anymore, if they’re missing in the obj, and in Makie, I haven’t calculated the normals explicitely when shading is on.
I pushed a fix to master… Note, that master is not super stable at the moment, but hopefully, we’ll get tests back in shape and can tag a stable version soon!
You’ll need:
]add GLMakie#master AbstractPlotting#master
Btw, if you don’t want to checkout master, you can also do this, with the newest tagged version of GeometryBasics:
mesh(normal_mesh(shape) ,color=:red,shading=true)
You can also tweak the lighting qualities in the latest AbstractPlotting and GLMakie. See the docs for more details.
using Makie, FileIO
meshfile ="")
shape = FileIO.load(FileIO.File{FileIO.format"OBJ"}(meshfile))
# we will manipulate shininess here
shiny_node = Observable(1f0)
im1 = mesh(shape; color = :red, shininess = shiny_node)
# we give the mesh scene a title to see what the shininess is
scene = title(im1, @lift "Shininess\n" * string(round($shiny_node; sigdigits = 4)))
# now record
record(scene, "shininess.mp4", exp.(LinRange(0, 11.5, 300)); framerate = 30) do i
shiny_node[] = i
Thank you, the GeometryBasics way is better in my case
@sdanisch - has this change been released in the latest tagged version of Makie?
Actually, using WGLMakie, I’m still seeing this issue, even on master, whether or not I use the normal_mesh
[276b4fcb] WGLMakie v0.2.9 ``
[537997a7] AbstractPlotting v0.12.18
Although it seems that WGLMakie
pins AbstractPlotting
to v0.13.6, so I can’t use AbstractPlotting#master
- not sure if this is related.
pkg> add AbstractPlotting#master
Updating git-repo ``
Resolving package versions...
ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package AbstractPlotting [537997a7]:
AbstractPlotting [537997a7] log:
├─possible versions are: 0.13.6 or uninstalled
├─restricted to versions 0.12.5-0.12 by WGLMakie [276b4fcb] — no versions left
│ └─WGLMakie [276b4fcb] log:
│ ├─possible versions are: 0.2.9 or uninstalled
│ └─WGLMakie [276b4fcb] is fixed to version 0.2.9
└─AbstractPlotting [537997a7] is fixed to version 0.13.6