Pretty mesh plot in GLMakie

Perhaps this is more of an artistic question, but I wanted to know if there are any recommendations for settings to play around with to make my plot prettier. I am using GLMakie.mesh! to plot some 3D surfaces within another 3D structure, but the 3D surfaces come out bland. I am unfortunately unable to provide a MWE, but I have attached the figure. I am also unsure why the 3D meshes are slightly transparent.

GLMakie.mesh!(ax, verts, faces, shading=true)

I am also unsure why the 3D meshes are slightly transparent.

Try transparency = false.

Some more visualization options are noted here:

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It’s because the default color is slightly transparent

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Thank you for the response! Just transparency=false did not help, but changing the color did, so I guess this option does not work for the default color.

Transparency false doesn’t disable alpha I think, even if it sounds like it would

Another question - I am looking through this documentation (Lighting). However, when I try GLMakie.activate!(ssao=true) I get an error
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching activate!(; ssao=true)

That’s in the latest version