I posted on Slack but wasn’t able to get a resolution (my fault since I posted at 4AM EST and Slack is so fast moving).
Anyhow, is there a way to make cat
type stable? I see the following:
A = Array{Float64, 3}(reshape(1:2*2*3, (2,2,3)));
@code_warntype cat(zeros(2,2), A; dims=3)
which gives me
1 ── %1 = (Base.getfield)(#temp#, :dims)::Int64 │╻ getindex
│ %2 = (Base.slt_int)(0, 1)::Bool ││╻╷╷╷ iterate
└─── goto #3 if not %2 │││┃│ iterate
2 ── goto #4 ││││┃ iterate
3 ── invoke Base.getindex(()::Tuple{}, 1::Int64) │││││
└─── $(Expr(:unreachable)) │││││
4 ┄─ goto #5 ││││
5 ── goto #6 ││╻ iterate
6 ── goto #7 ││
7 ── nothing │
│ %11 = (getfield)(A, 1)::Array{Float64,2} │
│ %12 = (getfield)(A, 2)::Array{Float64,3} │
│ invoke Core.kwfunc(Base.cat_t::Any) ││╻ _cat
│ %14 = (Base.slt_int)(0, 1)::Bool │││╻╷╷╷╷ #cat_t
└─── goto #9 if not %14 ││││┃│││ isempty
8 ── goto #10 │││││┃││ iterate
9 ── invoke Base.getindex(()::Tuple{}, 1::Int64) ││││││┃│ iterate
└─── $(Expr(:unreachable)) │││││││┃ iterate
10 ┄ goto #11 │││││││
11 ─ goto #12 │││││╻ iterate
12 ─ goto #13 │││││
13 ─ %22 = invoke Base._cat_t(%1::Int64, Float64::Type, %11::Array{Float64,2}, %12::Vararg{Any,N} where N)::Any ││││╻ #cat_t#99
└─── goto #14 ││││
14 ─ goto #15 │││
15 ─ goto #16
Curiously, even though vcat(x...)
is semantically the same as cat(x...; dims=1)
, the latter is type stable:
julia> @code_warntype cat(zeros(2,2,3), A; dims=1)
1 ── %1 = (Base.getfield)(#temp#, :dims)::Int64 │╻ getindex
│ %2 = (Base.slt_int)(0, 1)::Bool ││╻╷╷╷ iterate
└─── goto #3 if not %2 │││┃│ iterate
2 ── goto #4 ││││┃ iterate
3 ── invoke Base.getindex(()::Tuple{}, 1::Int64) │││││
└─── $(Expr(:unreachable)) │││││
4 ┄─ goto #5 ││││
5 ── goto #6 ││╻ iterate
6 ── goto #7 ││
7 ── nothing │
│ %11 = (getfield)(A, 1)::Array{Float64,3} │
│ %12 = (getfield)(A, 2)::Array{Float64,3} │
│ invoke Core.kwfunc(Base.cat_t::Any) ││╻ _cat
│ %14 = (Base.slt_int)(0, 1)::Bool │││╻╷╷╷╷ #cat_t
└─── goto #9 if not %14 ││││┃│││ isempty
8 ── goto #10 │││││┃││ iterate
9 ── invoke Base.getindex(()::Tuple{}, 1::Int64) ││││││┃│ iterate
└─── $(Expr(:unreachable)) │││││││┃ iterate
10 ┄ goto #11 │││││││
11 ─ goto #12 │││││╻ iterate
12 ─ goto #13 │││││
13 ─ %22 = invoke Base._cat_t(%1::Int64, Float64::Type, %11::Array{Float64,3}, %12::Vararg{Array{Float64,3},N} where N)::Any╻ #cat_t#99
└─── goto #14 ││││
14 ─ goto #15 │││
15 ─ goto #16 ││
16 ─ return %22 │
julia> @code_warntype vcat(zeros(2,2,3), A)
1486 1 ─ invoke Core.kwfunc(Base.cat::Any) │
│ %2 = (Base.slt_int)(0, 1)::Bool │╻╷╷╷╷ #cat
└── goto #3 if not %2 ││┃│││ isempty
2 ─ goto #4 │││┃││ iterate
3 ─ invoke Base.getindex(()::Tuple{}, 1::Int64) ││││┃│ iterate
└── $(Expr(:unreachable)) │││││┃ iterate
4 ┄ goto #5 │││││
5 ─ goto #6 │││╻ iterate
6 ─ goto #7 │││
7 ─ %10 = %new(NamedTuple{(:dims,),Tuple{Val{1}}}, $(QuoteNode(Val{1}())))::NamedTuple{(:dims,),Tuple{Val{1}}} │││╻╷╷╷ _cat
│ %11 = invoke Core.kwfunc(Base.cat_t::Any)::getfield(Base, Symbol("#kw##cat_t")) ││││
│ %12 = Base.cat_t::typeof(Base.cat_t) ││││
│ %13 = invoke %11(%10::NamedTuple{(:dims,),Tuple{Val{1}}}, %12::typeof(Base.cat_t), Float64::Type{Float64}, _2::Array{Float64,3}, _3::Vararg{Array{Float64,3},N} where N)::Array{Float64,3}
└── goto #8 ││
8 ─ return %13 │
What is going on here?