macOS homebrew SHA-256 checksum error

According to I should report such issues on discourse, so here we are…

I am not able to install Julia 1.2.0 on a freshly installed latest macOS Mojave (10.14.6) with a shiny new homebrew installation due to a checksum error:

> brew cask install julia
Updating Homebrew...
==> Satisfying dependencies
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Verifying SHA-256 checksum for Cask 'julia'.
==> Note: Running `brew update` may fix SHA-256 checksum errors.
Error: Checksum for Cask 'julia' does not match.
Expected: 7a27780d3b791032b788aa0d411aee117cb3cd602ea76ba6514468e4459bca0e
  Actual: c65f3af899571ba8f100f55339a0251a31342c25f33fc500929fd7404ec8e955
    File: /Users/tamasgal/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/59856574add569ae4528f6c6b05956f54afd437bda9e98c68ca9f81e50389de7--julia-1.2.0-mac64.dmg
To retry an incomplete download, remove the file above.
If the issue persists, visit:

I downloaded the image multiple times but it has the same checksum, so I assume the recipe has to be updated.

so I assume the recipe has to be updated.

You should probably report this to the homebrew maintainers then (at the url printed above)

Hm it’s not an issue with homebrew, it’s an issue with the recipe. I don’t know who is the maintainer of the Julia recipe but @mb1248 (on GitHub) pushed the last commit to the repository:

Anyways, I’ll report there…

It seems that the recipe was fixed. It works now :wink:

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