Loop vectorization depends on number of terms in stencil


I was motivated by the recent blog post about the new threading infrastructure in Julia 1.3-alpha to try writing a Julia stencil code that I would normally end up writing in C.

However, before getting a chance to work on threading, I ran into a loop vectorization issue. In particular, whether or not the loop vectorizes seems to depend on the size of the stencil.

To illustrate, I made two methods: 1) does_vectorize!(w,u) and 2) does_not_vectorize!(w,u). In both methods, we apply a stencil to u, saving the result in w. The only difference is that in the does_vectorize! case there are 18 points in the stencil while in the does_not_vectorize! case there are 19 points in the stencil.

Here is the code run with julia -O3 on both Julia 1.1.1 and Julia 1.3.0-alpha:

function does_vectorize!(w::Array{Float32,3},u::Array{Float32,3})
    nz,ny,nx = size(u)
    s = ntuple(i->rand(Float32),9)
    @inbounds begin
        for ix = 5:(nx-5), iy = 5:(ny-5)
            @simd for iz = 5:(nz-5)
                w[iz,iy,ix] =
                    s[1]*u[iz-4,iy,  ix  ] + s[2]*u[iz-3,iy,  ix  ] + s[3]*u[iz-2,iy,  ix  ] + s[4]*u[iz-1,iy,  ix  ] + s[5]*u[iz,iy,ix] + s[6]*u[iz+1,iy,  ix  ] + s[7]*u[iz+2,iy,  ix  ] + s[8]*u[iz+3,iy,ix    ] + s[9]*u[iz+4,iy,  ix  ] +
                    s[1]*u[iz,  iy-4,ix  ] + s[2]*u[iz,  iy-3,ix  ] + s[3]*u[iz,  iy-2,ix  ] + s[4]*u[iz,  iy-1,ix  ] + s[5]*u[iz,iy,ix] + s[6]*u[iz,  iy+1,ix  ] + s[7]*u[iz,  iy+2,ix  ] + s[8]*u[iz,  iy+3,ix  ]
io = open("does_vectorize.txt", "w")
code_llvm(io, does_vectorize!, (Array{Float32,3}, Array{Float32,3}))

function does_not_vectorize!(w::Array{Float32,3},u::Array{Float32,3})
    nz,ny,nx = size(u)
    s = ntuple(i->rand(Float32),9)
    @inbounds begin
        for ix = 5:(nx-5), iy = 5:(ny-5)
            @simd for iz = 5:(nz-5)
                w[iz,iy,ix] =
                    s[1]*u[iz-4,iy,  ix  ] + s[2]*u[iz-3,iy,  ix  ] + s[3]*u[iz-2,iy,  ix  ] + s[4]*u[iz-1,iy,  ix  ] + s[5]*u[iz,iy,ix] + s[6]*u[iz+1,iy,  ix  ] + s[7]*u[iz+2,iy,  ix  ] + s[8]*u[iz+3,iy,ix    ] + s[9]*u[iz+4,iy,  ix  ] +
                    s[1]*u[iz,  iy-4,ix  ] + s[2]*u[iz,  iy-3,ix  ] + s[3]*u[iz,  iy-2,ix  ] + s[4]*u[iz,  iy-1,ix  ] + s[5]*u[iz,iy,ix] + s[6]*u[iz,  iy+1,ix  ] + s[7]*u[iz,  iy+2,ix  ] + s[8]*u[iz,  iy+3,ix  ] + s[9]*u[iz,  iy+4,ix  ]
io = open("does_not_vectorize.txt", "w")
code_llvm(io, does_not_vectorize!, (Array{Float32,3}, Array{Float32,3}))

nz,ny,nx = 512,512,512
u = rand(Float32,nz,ny,nx)
w = zeros(Float32,nz,ny,nx)

using BenchmarkTools
@btime does_vectorize!(w,u)
@btime does_not_vectorize!(w,u)

and the output (similar results are obtained on Julia 1.1.1 and 1.3.0-alpha) from the @btime macro:

  217.150 ms (1 allocation: 48 bytes)
  1.304 s (1 allocation: 48 bytes)

I put the output from code_llvm into a gist[1]. The point is that does_vectorize.txt contains the expected vector.body: section whereas does_not_vectorize.txt does not. Can anyone reproduce this? Should I file a GitHub issue?



[1] https://gist.github.com/samtkaplan/0565ef0bc6d5007ed88635270950aaee

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If I replace @simd with @simd ivdep the loop gets vectorized. I guess that means that LLVM fails to prove that the loop can be vectorized on its own? It is still not clear to me why LLVM can prove that the first loop can be vectorized where-as in the second case it can’t. So, I’m still wondering if this is a bug, or expected behavior?

I found https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/31482 useful when trying to understand the issue.