Looking for Consultant

Hi All,

I’m Ignacio, I’m a developer at Timeline and we are looking for an experienced Julia consultant who can help us review our new code written in Julia. Timeline is an app that helps financial advisers create retirement plans using historical backtesting and different spending and inflation adjustment strategies, etc.

Originally our app was written in Elixir but last month we rewrote our calculations core in Julia for our upcoming new version.

We are novices in Julia, so far we love it :heart_eyes:, but we know our code has room for improvement. Specially in terms of speed and performance.

If you are interested and want to hear more please PM me or send me an email to nachojgutierrez@gmail.com with your Github profile, availability and hourly rates.


Ignacio Gutierez


Pretty excited about this! I will circulate to the Sydney Julia user group as well.

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Thank you very much!! :grinning: