Looking for a freelancer for scientific computing, nonlinear optimization, and data reconciliation

We are seeking a Julia developer to create a prototype for
analyzing mass flows, energy flows, substance concentrations, and
performing data reconciliation. The mathematical tools are solving
(bilinear) least-squares problems with nonlinear constraints and related
numerical linear algebra techniques.

The system consists of processes which are linked with flows. Flows are
mainly characterized by mass flows and energy flows. Processes have
transfer coefficients that represent the relationships between the
various connected flows. Considering practical applications a system may
have hundreds of flows with associated energy and mass balances (that
can be solved on a single workstation).

We will provide background material describing the relevant algorithms.
The goal of the project is to implement a prototype of the basic
algorithm and extend it step-by-step to more complex applications and
improved efficiency including usage of sparse linear algebra techniques.


Sent a private message.

Does your opportunity is still available for working especially remotely? Thank you

Hello Mohamad,

the initial phase of the project is nearly at its end - but we are thinking of a second step next year.

Best regards

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Is this still open?