Hi everyone! I’m quite new to Julia and programming in general, with enough experience in Matlab with OOP and can understand the flow of C++ code. So please forgive any demonstrated inability to express what my question is.
We have a very large developed program in my private organisation that runs on C++. The two language problem is a living reality in my workplace, with myself as a mathematician observing the algorithms and implemented equations of the program (tests in Matlab then with mex, etc.) communicating with the software engineers for implementation. The divide is very uncomfortable.
Julia offers to bridge that gap, cutting out the middle men (software engineers) allowing myself as a rising software scientist to oversee the development of our program without the need for the complicated code development that C++ demands.
That said, I’m not looking to make the software engineers redundant. There are lots of projects they have, and a lot of the difficulties they encounter might be helped by taking the massive step to porting to Julia. They’ll still have a lot of work but the long term benefits will be beyond worth the trouble.
There are many road blocks to my proposition. I’ve discussed this with my boss and another colleague, and we agreed on some issues we see down this road, the following issue being one that I desire to discuss with this community, that being stable support:
Unlike Matlab and C++, there isn’t an organisation for Julia where paid contracts for support exists. I’ve read around this discourse forum and searched around online, and obviously Julia is too young to have the stable support that my company desires to develop deliverable software solutions to customers with peace of mind that if something goes wrong with the software beyond our comprehension, we can turn to a Julia organisation that we have contracted support with.
Other issues are inherent in the youthfulness of Julia, e.g. awaiting for the production of executables and debugging (which I know is out for Atom, but I favour VS Code… which Microsoft provides stable support for), and myself learning Julia which, honestly, I am very ecstatic about.
So in short my question is, will Julia one day have a contracted organisation for stable support available for industries that are looking to provide software solutions that also require stable support?