I’m trying to implement robust logistic regression fromchapter 10.5 of PML. The model is p(y|\mathbf{x}) = \pi Ber(y|0.5) + (1-\pi) Ber(y|\sigma(\mathbf{w}^\top\mathbf{x})) where \pi are the mixture weights drawn from a uniform distribution and the regression weights are drawn from a normal distribution with mean 0 and std 10.
The author has a pymc3 model here but trying to implement it with any other sampler but MH() blows up with numerical errors. Does it have to do with the logistic function?
using Turing, MCMCChains, StatsPlots, Random, StatsFuns
using RDatasets
iris = dataset("datasets", "iris")
select!(iris, :SepalLength, :Species)
filter!(row -> row[:Species] in ["setosa", "versicolor"], iris)
iris[!, :target] = iris[!, :Species] .!= "setosa"
select!(iris, :SepalLength, :target);
log_x = iris[!, :SepalLength]
log_y = iris[!, :target]
log_xoutliers = [4.2, 4.5, 4.0, 4.3, 4.2, 4.4]
log_youtliers = ones(length(log_xoutliers))
log_x_train = [log_x; log_xoutliers]
log_y_train = [log_y; log_youtliers];
@model function robust_logreg(x, y)
N = length(x)
alpha ~ Normal(0, 10)
beta ~ Normal(0, 10)
mu = alpha .+ beta .* x
theta = logistic.(mu)
pie ~ filldist(Beta(1, 1), N) # probability of contamination of outliers
p = pie .* 0.5 .+ (1 .- pie) .* theta
y .~ Bernoulli.(p)
roblog_model = robust_logreg(log_x_train, log_x_train)
roblog_chain = sample(roblog_model, HMC(0.05, 10), 1000)