Logical line comparison of a operation cell field and float number

Hi, I want to do below if line code but left hand side is an operationcellfield while right hand side is float. do you know how can i make this comparison? actually i need to get the final value of summation over operation cell field to make comparison but i dont know how to do this in gridap. dv is elements volume vector

pfh = FEFunction(fem_params.Pf, pf_vec)
        pth = (pf -> Threshold(pf; β, η)) ∘ pfh
        if sum∘(pth⊙dv) > 0.55*sum(dv)

I’ll appreciate any suggestion.

i have written below code to find that but it seems the output is not correct. as i need the value of cell. i just evaluate values at nodes but it is the same in each cell for 3 nodes

pfh = FEFunction(fem_params.Pf, pf_vec)
        pth = (pf -> Threshold(pf; β, η)) ∘ pfh
        pthxtr = evaluate(pth⊙dv,getpoints)
        if sum(pthxtr)[1]> 0.5*sum(dv)

i really need your knowledge in julia and gridap