How to get a vector of results from cellfield

Hi, I am going to use affineFEoperator and solve for linear plasticity the out put of this is singlefieldfunction while using matrix form and dividing a/b of weak form gives a vector form. I need the vector solution of solve function. could you please tell me how can I get this?
output of affine and solve

op_Disp = AffineFEOperator(a_Disp ,b_Disp ,U_Disp ,V0_Disp)
    uh_out = solve(op_Disp)
 num_cells: 9280
 DomainStyle: ReferenceDomain()
 Triangulation: BodyFittedTriangulation()
 Triangulation id: 9088478837478427212

out put of division

A_mat = MatrixA(pth; phys_params, fem_params) 
b_vec = assemble_vector(v->(∫(v)fem_params.dΓ_s), fem_params.V)
u_vec = A_mat \ b_vec
0.08119110240868146 + 42.59321094887059im
 0.24208798306755652 + 42.64391602396656im
   16.47967581070123 - 39.09116871468575im
  16.479756965789555 - 39.09255097613595im
  16.464369875319317 - 39.082836126736886im
   16.46696095439986 - 39.093982454969264im
 0.27844285430113336 - 0.18934538411545995im
  0.6625946139860871 - 0.703660418309097im
  1.0785364154400696 - 1.9224017567304916im
  1.1438144723490575 - 4.241465393011267im
 0.14577061602716654 - 7.756775745095706im

ps. results are not for the same problem
due to this i cant do vector operation on output of solve function

If I understood correctly, you might do the following:

uh = FEFunction(fem_params.U_disp,  u_vec)

To get out a CellFunction, to then operate on this data type