LocalRegistry on Azure DevOps


I’m developing some packages. In Python, my workflow for this is as follows:


  • Develop package and start release pipeline in Azure DevOps
  • DevOps publishes the Python Package in the Azure Artifact Feed


  • Use the DevOps predefined workflow to add the local Azure Artifact Feed to the PyPi known indexes.
  • Simply install packages as usual

How would that look like in Julia? As of now, it looks like this:


  • Using LocalRegistry, push the package to the Repository and the LocalRegistry (simply another repository…)

… Here it’s ending for me:

  1. Do I just add the Registry like using Pkg; Pkg.Registry.add(Pkg.RegistrySpec(;url="...myRegistryURL"))
    But if so, how can i forward the required authentication using Azure DevOps?

Did you end up ever answering this / finding a good best practice? I want to make some Julia packages that do heavy lifting and also need an Azure DevOps artifact solution.

No, sadly not.

Just for the authentication, you can configure git globally to include the PAT everywhere with insteadOf: git global url insteadOf setup · GitHub

It’s not nice, but it works…

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