I ran into a really confusing situation today. I upgrade my Linux distro yesterday to Ubuntu 22.04, and one of my previously working packages started to crash. While trying to debug and reproduce this, I realised that if I using HDF5
after I define a function which doesn’t use anything from HDF5, it could cause it to crash. Apologies for a rather complicated MWE below, but I couldn’t otherwise consistently reproduce this on my machine if I tweak it too much. For example, if I change the size of imgs
from 10000 to 1000, it wouldn’t crash.
(base) [1] % julia ~
_ _ _(_)_ | Documentation: https://docs.julialang.org
(_) | (_) (_) |
_ _ _| |_ __ _ | Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
| | | | | | |/ _` | |
| | |_| | | | (_| | | Version 1.7.3 (2022-05-06)
_/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_| | Official https://julialang.org/ release
|__/ |
julia> using Statistics: mean
julia> function img_center(img; threshold=0.1)
bw_img = img .> (maximum(img) * threshold)
img_indices = Tuple.(findall(x -> x==1, bw_img))
Int.(round.(mean.((first.(img_indices), last.(img_indices)))))
img_center (generic function with 1 method)
julia> using ThreadsX
julia> imgs = [rand(Float64, (256, 256)) for i in 1:10000];
julia> c = ThreadsX.map(x -> img_center(x; threshold=0.1), imgs);
julia> using HDF5
julia> c = ThreadsX.map(x -> img_center(x; threshold=0.1), imgs);
julia:33823 terminated with signal 11 at PC=7f17d3552e28 SP=7f173
julia:33823 terminated with signal 11 at PC=7f17d35
julia:33823 terminated with signal 11 at PC=7f17d3552e28 SP=7f17387ffd20. Backtrace:
. Back. Backtrace:
julia:33823 terminated with signal 11 at PC=7f17d3552e28 SP=7f17387ffd20. Backtrace:
. Back. Backtrace:
julia:33823 terminated with signal 11 at PC=7f17d3552e28 SP=7f17387ffd20. Backtrace:
. Back. Backtrace:
julia:33823 terminated with signal 11 at PC=7f17d3552e28 SP=7f17387ffd20. Backtrace:
. Back. Backtrace:
julia:33823 terminated with signal 11 at PC=7f17d3552e28 SP=7f17387ffd20. Backtrace:
. Back. Back/home/chen/.julia/juliaup/julia-1.7.3+0.x64/bin/../lib/julia/libjulia-internal.so.1(+0x152e28)[0x7f17d3552e28]
julia:33823 terminated with signal 11 at PC=7f17d3567930 SP=7f1729ffe660. Backtrace:
(base) [1] %
Some additional information about the system
julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.7.3
Commit 742b9abb4d (2022-05-06 12:58 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
CPU: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3990X 64-Core Processor
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-12.0.1 (ORCJIT, znver2)
JULIA_HDF5_PATH = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hdf5/mpich/