I want to make an executable file. When I start the compilation, I get the below error:
┌ Warning: it is not recommended to create an app/library without a preexisting manifest
└ @ PackageCompiler C:\Users\amroa\.julia\packages\PackageCompiler\vXKVp\src\PackageCompiler.jl:66
ERROR: LoadError: expected package to have a `name`-entry
Type ] to use the Pkg REPL, make sure to activate . to activate the folderpackage package, then for each package you want to add as a dependency, use add PackageName
The name in the parentheses should be the package you want to work with. activate . uses the current directory, so you would need to activate folderpackage instead, but then yes do what you showed.
No, you should not have a folder of the same name as the parent folder. There was likely a confusion; activate . should have been sufficient, but what you typed above suggested to me it was not. That led me to suggest activate folderpackage instead, which created a subfolder.
Perhaps the issue is that you ran activate folderpackage when it already said (folderpackage) pkg>. Make sure you only do it the one time when it says (Myfolder) pkg>.