Load local page into Blink.jl

In am starting to learn Blink.jl, and would like to load a local HTML document into the Blink window.

using Blink
winpath = realpath("html/mainwin.html")
@assert isfile(winpath)
w = Window()
loadurl(w, winpath)

It opens an empty Blink window, returns


Dict{String, Any}()

but doesn’t load my file.

Reading documentation could help, but didn’t.

load!(w, winpath)
importhtml!(w, winpath)

didn’t help either.

Ok, this way it works:

using Blink
winpath = realpath("html/mainwin.html")
@assert isfile(winpath)
winpathurl = "file://$(winpath)" # that was it
w = Window();
loadurl(w, winpathurl)