Getting file dialog in Blink

In connection with building a GUI for PkgTemplates, I’d like to have a file/directory picker. The whole thing is Blink.jl → ElectronHTML+JS based.

<input> tag doesn’t work as I need it, as it doesn’t return the full path (security limitation).

I’ve tried to use the dialog module, as the web recommends for Electron, but don’t get it to work:

<button onclick="openFile()">Select File</button>
// ..
const {dialog} = require('electron').remote;

function openFile() {
//  alert("Hello! I am an alert box!!");
  console.log(dialog.showOpenDialog({properties: ['openFile']}));

On clicking the button, nothing happens (or alert shown, if I uncomment it). Any ideas?

A workaround using NativeFileDialog.jl should be possible, but I’d just prefer to avoid an additional roundtrip through a Julia code.