I’m trying to use Literate.markdown
to generate pages for Documenter
. The repo is here. I’m using the make.jl
code below.
using Documenter
using Literate
for file ∈ ["Chapter 1: Dynamics.jl"]
joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "src", file),
joinpath(@__DIR__, "src", "generated")
sitename = "Control Theory Notes",
format = Documenter.HTML(),
authors = "Joe Carpinelli",
pages = [
"Introduction" => "index.md",
"Chapter 1: Dynamics" => joinpath("generated", "Chapter 1: Dynamics.md")
repo = "https://github.com/cadojo/ControlTheoryNotes.jl",
devbranch = "main"
When I then call LiveServer.servedocs()
, the build tries and fails continuously in a loop, and I see the following error: Warning: couldn't find file "/Users/joey/GitHub/FOSS/ControlTheoryNotes.jl/docs/src/generated/<unknown>/src/Chapter 1: Dynamics.jl" when generating URL
. I notice that Literate
generates the following at the top of the autogenerated markdown
EditURL = "<unknown>/src/Chapter 1: Dynamics.jl"
Could this be the cause of the issue? I’m having trouble debugging this.
Edit: This happens even when specifying the literate
keyword argument to LiveServer.servedocs
# in ControlTheoryNotes.jl
LiveServer.servedocs(; literate = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "docs", "src", "generated"))