I want to generate Markdown entries programmatically and I am using Literate.jl (maybe that is not the best tool for that, recommendations are also welcome).
This is a MWE of what I am trying to do.
# # Test
import Markdown #src
function foo() #src
for t in [1, 2] #src
println(Markdown.parse("## test_$(t)")) #src
end #src
end #src
foo(); #src
I would expect to see entries for the ## test_1
and ## test_2
in the resulting markdown but nothing appears. The only way to make it show is by not adding the #src
blocks at the end but then the function is also printed in the markdown.
I don’t quite understand what you are trying to do. Can you post the output you are looking for?
In this MWE all I should see is a markdown file with this entry.
# Test
## test_1
## test_2
The idea is to have code that can write Markdown sections based on a template and inputs. The MWE template is super simple just to explain
This is another MWE of the Literate file I am trying to create. I am just adding the code to write the header as an example. I want to write a more complex Markdown text.
# # Test
import Markdown #src
using PowerSystems #src
types = [ThermalStandard, RenewableGen] #src
for t in types #src
print(stdout, "## Test_$(t)" #src
) #src
end; #src
I would expect or like to see something like this as the output
# Test
## Test_ThermalStandard
## Test_RenewableGen
I see, so you want something like a “self-expanding” page. With https://github.com/fredrikekre/Literate.jl/commit/e08ca0a19bd5e61dac778ddf4aaf6cef37532e48 Literate can now capture text/markdown
, and with https://github.com/fredrikekre/Literate.jl/commit/6d1aec90b13c6ad888be0fdc77583e9c525b5dc1 Literate can scrub the lines after execution (instead of before execution as is done with the #src
These features are available in version 2.6.0: https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General/pull/19552. You can now do the following:
$ cat script.jl
# # Test
struct MD str end #hide
Base.show(io::IO, ::MIME"text/markdown", md::MD) = print(io, md.str) #hide
function f() #hide
io = IOBuffer() #hide
for i in 1:2 #hide
println(io, "## test_$(i)") #hide
end #hide
return MD(String(take!(io))) #hide
end #hide
f() #hide
$ julia -e 'import Literate; Literate.markdown("script.jl"; documenter=false, execute=true)'
[ Info: generating markdown page from `/tmp/tmp.mLoi8uvI4A/script.jl`
[ Info: writing result to `/tmp/tmp.mLoi8uvI4A/script.md`
$ cat script.md
# Test
## test_1
## test_2
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@fredrikekre thanks, that worked